Example sentences of "and a [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Another issue is whether brother — sister incest should remain criminal where both parties are aged 18 or over : when sentencing , the courts treat this as a much less serious form of the offence than father — daughter incest , and a majority of the CLRC accepted that brother — sister incest should cease to be an offence when both parties are aged 21 or over .
2 The influence of party structures had for long been curtailed by the arrangements for selecting chairmen ; arrangements which made it possible for situations to arise where the president , the Congressional party leadership and a majority of the majority party could all be united on a particular issue yet might be thwarted by the whims of an all-powerful committee chairman .
3 It was held by the Lord Ordinary ( Lord Wheatley ) and a majority of the First Division that the corporation was not liable to purchase tax on stationery manufactured by it and supplied to its public service departments but was liable to the tax on stationery supplied to its trading departments .
4 If a vacancy on the committee exists , then : ( i ) it need not be filled if the trustee and a majority of the remaining members so agree : ( ii ) the trustee may appoint some other creditor to be a member if the majority of the remaining members so agree ; or ( iii ) a meeting of creditors should be convened so that another creditor can be appointed and fourteen days ' notice of such meetings must be given ( r 6.160 ) .
5 Mainz was a see where Staufen interests were strong and a majority of the princes elected Lupold , bishop of Worms , a strong adherent of Philip , and a man of few scruples .
6 The mainstream right already controls the Senate , almost all the regional councils ( 19 out of 21 ) , three-quarters of the departmental councils and a majority of the municipal councils — and now it looks likely to win at least 75 per cent and possibly as much as 85 per cent of the seats in the National Assembly .
7 Two examples might be a book on the education of women in India in the first half of the twentieth century , and a film on the extension of the suffrage in Britain from 1830 to 1930 .
8 These included the famous Rob Lowe video ( ‘ When the light 's poor , you ca n't see the million dollar dick ! ’ ) and a film of the Go-Gos drunkenly deriding a groupie jerking off backstage ( ‘ Microphone placement is very important .
9 Its basic unit , the one-family household , was both a patriarchal autocracy and a microcosm of the sort of society which the bourgeoisie as a class ( or its theoretical spokesmen ) denounced and destroyed : a hierarchy of personal dependence .
10 The shipmaster 's bellow and a wallop on the head from a daring sailor finally pierced the berserk rage .
11 Labour 's plans include a programme to provide nursery education to the parent of every child aged three or four who wants it and a doubling of the proportion of young people aged 16 to 18 in full-time education and high quality training within a decade .
12 Compared with the previous week , there was a trebling in the rate of flu and a doubling of the rate of flu-like illness .
13 There was a new UDC for Sheffield and a doubling of the area covered by the Merseyside Development Corporation .
14 It is worth reminding the House what the Bill , if enacted in its present form , would involve : the loss of 83 homes , the displacement of 326 residents , the demolition of four listed buildings , the destruction of well over 10 acres of property in two conservation areas , the destruction of a two-acre inner-city nature reserve of great value to the local community , the loss of 168 workplaces providing 1,620 jobs , the loss of 58 shops , 38 of which provide key services to local people , the diversion of a major traffic artery for a period of three years , a doubling of the number of rail passengers and a doubling of the number of cars and taxis coming to King 's Cross and St. Pancras during the morning peak hour .
15 Significant budget measures included a 26 per cent increase in foreign exchange made available at auction , a measure expected to stabilize the naira ; the end of state funding for the two political parties ( the Social Democratic Party and the National Republican Convention ) ; and a doubling of the minimum wage ( from the level of N125 per month set in 1981 ) for public-sector employees .
16 Despite financial inducements provided by the general practitioner contract and a doubling in the number of nurses working with participating practices in the past two years , few local general practitioners wish to establish miniclinics .
17 A tall , brown iron cylinder with a wheel and a dial at the top stood beside him .
18 Kalm was very impressed by the stoves at Chelsea , ‘ all arranged in the way discribed in Dictionary ’ , and he learned from Miller that two orangeries in England had been burnt by tan overheating ( the fermenting bark of the oak and a by-product from the tanning industry ) .
19 Relaxing with a Rohan Safari Shirt and a brew on the Pyrenean High Route .
20 He saw Richmann 's clubbing motion with the gun almost before it happened , and a voice from the past called for him to run .
21 So attempt to gain an impression of paper , and a feel for the movement , rather than painting details .
22 Yes he had I think he had an intuition and an instinct and a feel for the common man .
23 I have a dread of reaching a state when I lie inert and incontinent in bed , tubes in the nose and a drip-feed in the vein , all love of living gone and yet still forbidden final release .
24 That some would come with very bad intentions proved the truth and a person under the assumed character of a man of rank deceived and married the unsuspecting Sally but he did not survive his villanies villanies .
25 It has fine balusters and a door to the first floor room behind .
26 Do n't forget to include a window , entrance and exit points and a door to the rear storage area .
27 Then there was a hiss and a door on the far side of the room slid open .
28 She sat and watched it all slip past , and thought how she must persuade Murphy to let her cook up the hens ’ mash on the saddle-room boiler , for Dora would hate her to do it in the kitchen , and how she would need a galvanized bucket and an old ladle and a door on the old donkey shed in the orchard to keep out the foxes .
29 A flight of stone steps gives access and a door from the first floor of the inn has been added .
30 Identifying their functions is difficult without excavation , suggestions including a mansio complex and a centre for the administration of the Fens respectively .
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