Example sentences of "and erm i [vb base] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 We understand that was de-mob happy for quite some time and erm I know he 's been disappointed recently with the Tories losing control of the local Council down down in the happy glades down South but the pink gin and pink knickers approach of Councillor is becoming a joke .
2 Right well it 's just two minutes three minutes past eight o'clock and erm I welcome you all to this hustings meeting of Greater Manchester West Liberal Democrats .
3 I think the architects cos I was I was engaged in trying to find a sort of temporary work for er somebody in archaeology and and erm I remember I got to s to an architect and and he did quite a lot of that sort of work you know and they
4 And erm I remember I was I was about fifteen now and my young brother was only a little tot about two I think three and I remember my father came in and he did he went straight for my mam for nothing at all .
5 And erm I remember I remember that boy you know when goes when he goes that was so funny .
6 And erm I mean we towed it over a thousand miles so the
7 And erm I mean we 've got nothing on then .
8 And erm I mean they were quite they would n't they would n't get rid of a baby , but a lot of people thought they would .
9 So I phoned Mrs I eventually got through to her then I had to phone the prison to tell daddy because he was going to go in and erm I mean I , and then I go back to work , Grant .
10 And erm I mean I 've got
11 I mean that was really my only comment that I just erm heard this lady speaking erm okay she 's got two children and it probably is difficult to keep two children occupied without any children 's programmes , but like you commented , ‘ what did people do before television ’ , and erm I mean I 'm sure erm Rainbow and such , the people who produce those sort of television programmes would understand that keeping the majority of the country erm informed of what was going on was slightly more important than erm having children 's programmes on .
12 And another I noticed erm Simon 's been bringing a few of his friends home from school and erm I mean he 's in a class of thirty eight
13 And erm I like it .
14 And erm I think we 'll be going back to the kind of erm conditions that there were in the Victorian age and in Dickens ' age .
15 So this all suggests to me that the establishment of fierce criteria could make this a very rare exception is the key and erm I think we 've had it in the course of the discussion , it 'll now be on the record , erm an exploration of the kind of criteria those could be .
16 And erm I think they 've been I think they 've changed really over the months I think all of us have as well and erm well that 's how it started anyway .
17 Well I heard , I , I wondered about that , and erm I think they must have contact because erm one of them who came back bearing in mind there must be a , a , a , about a three month gap , had had a proposal from one of the persons
18 So erm mum and dad has been writing and erm I think they phoned
19 erm in education I am confident that erm schools and colleges will operate their delegated budgets very successfully and erm I think they will do so without detriment to the Education Service .
20 And also , back in their team is erm Michael Lee who 's been banned for some years now , and he 's raring to go and erm I think they 're all coming down to prove a few points .
21 I went to the Norfolk Broads , and erm I think it was Saturday morning we went to have a look at a flat ,
22 And erm I think it 's erm an , an issue for us to look at as a management team , whether we actually give it an even , even greater weighting
23 Certain people have claimed that in group psychoanalysis and that I think is fraudulent , because they are not doing analysis they 're doing something different and erm I think it is something described I think very well in this book , although of course as we said this was written erm er group therapy .
24 And erm the erm your view is completely blocked altogether when you 're coming up to that roundabout , as you know they come up from erm Southfield Road and Divinity Road which comes up on to that roundabout , and erm I think it 's very very dangerous .
25 And erm I think it 's a little bit of creative accountancy on their part in saying that and in fact putting that five hundred thousand elsewhere , and also they have erm done a further piece of creative accountancy in that the provision for pay and price increases they have reduced by one point five million , and the combined budget reduces it by half that figure .
26 And we the used to pick on a on some sort of a nice looking little boy or little girl to say the collection piece that was appealing and I ca n't remember what it was now but er probably about four verses of what they called a collection piece , just before they started to collect you see and erm I think I said that three or four years erm running almost , so I must been pretty well good at it .
27 And erm I think I was in the middle somewhere , I was n't er brilliant but I must have been somewhere in the middle I suppose .
28 And erm I think I was about three when I came back here .
29 And erm I think you know you you owe quite a lot to your first teachers , quite a lot .
30 And now it is my duty to introduce Doctor and erm I think you said you were talking to us about yourself and erm also a little bit about your holidays ?
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