Example sentences of "and look down [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But if a person climbs a nearby hill and looks down on the site , the whole city can be seen and to some extent understood : viewing a site at an angle in this way is equivalent to an oblique aerial photograph .
2 She shivered a little , leaning on the balustrade and looking down into the darkness while he gave some instructions to the maid .
3 I remember standing at the back of The Lyceum and looking down at the crowd .
4 ‘ I 'm glad for you , ’ Jenna snapped , standing and looking down at the angry face .
5 Head towards Gennargentu and look down over the vast , untamed terrain where sheep graze among herbs and shrubs .
6 I put the blade of the knife against her neck again and look down to the edge of the mattress .
7 I lift my head up and look down to the floor at the foot of the bed , where Andy is lying curled up in his sleeping bag , unseen in the shadows , which is why I was being quiet .
8 There is a row of stout wooden rods supporting a handrail which runs along the edge of the gallery , allowing the adventurers to lean on it and look down into the Black Pit ( which they wo n't immediately be able to see , of course ) .
9 I recall her pacing the sitting-room while I am doing my homework , pausing every so often to stand at one of the windows and look down into the busy street below .
10 This warning whetted my appetite for I used to crawl to the edge and look down at the water which was usually quite near the top as this part of the city is barely above river level .
11 And look down at the lumpy , single bed .
12 Regrettably , even today , there are a number of health service insiders who feel that they are an exception to these general rules and look down on the ways of industry with the patronizing assurance of those who know that ‘ we are different ’ .
13 At the end of this road , walk a short way over the grassy hillside and look down on the turquoise waters of the bay ( Baia de Abra ) .
14 ‘ I wish I were you , ’ Alexandra said , ‘ I wish I were a mouse , ’ and then , drawn inexorably , she leaned forward across the table and looked down through the closed window at her mother 's upturned face below .
15 He stood at a window and looked down over the trees , where rooks were crossing sticks in a light sway of air .
16 He could hear her barking and looked down over the steep side of the embankment to the bottom of the trees .
17 He went to where he 'd seen him by the fence and looked down towards the woodpile .
18 Charles raised his head above the line of the rock and looked down towards the hut .
19 Phyllis stood by the fence and looked down to the lines at the bottom .
20 I stood at the window and looked down into the street .
21 Marian crossed to the stair and looked down into the chamber they had left .
22 He pulled off his mask and looked down into the open conning tower .
23 From there they crawled the last ten yards to the edge of a rise and looked down into the valley .
24 Shepherd moved closer and looked down into the viewer .
25 She moved to the head of the stairs and looked down into the hallway , listening to his footsteps approaching the front door .
26 Charles stood on the narrow pavement , leaning on the wooden parapet , and looked down into the water , which seemed infinitely deep in the darkness .
27 She came to it and stood and looked down into the dragon 's mouth .
28 He went to the window and looked down into the street .
29 He limped to the side of the roof and looked down into the yard .
30 Next day and the day after that Mr Flemyng rode his horse along the slope south of the town , as though to exercise his dogs , and looked down at the site through an opera-glass , trying to make out whether the workmen were forming a mob .
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