Example sentences of "and look at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The sociolinguistic approach to peer communication records naturalistic dialogue and looks at the structure of conversation in terms of maintaining discourse effectively ( Garvey , 1984 ; McTear , 1985 ) .
2 While planning the gig , the agent works with the promoter and looks at the event 's costs .
3 Keith holds his head in his hands and looks at the floor .
4 Creditor management is based upon criteria supplied by the lender and looks at the credit behaviour of the individual , not just a single account .
5 As part of the investigation into attitudes to mass electricity , the project explores the reception by the public of plans for a National Grid and looks at the way in which this programme was presented to those most likely to be environmentally and economically affected by its construction .
6 On the first morning of their honeymoon , he wakes up early and looks at the lady , still sleeping on the pillow beside him .
7 Fred opens a can of beer , switches on the TV , groans as he slumps over the sofa and looks at the paint peeling off the ceiling .
8 The chapter goes on to outline the main purchase types , and looks at the importance of contract markets in many industrial buying situations .
9 Michele Hanson examines the problems imposed by budget cuts and staff shortages , and looks at the need for long-term strategies .
10 I flew down and looked at the computer screens to see what was written on them , and they all said in huge letters …
11 Mr Stych stopped in his tracks at the mention of such a sum of money , as Hank had hoped he would , and looked at the boy as if he might have gone dangerously mad .
12 We 've gone back and looked at the correspondence we 've had about the News Network .
13 Richard had nodded his head and looked at the floor and said nothing .
14 A small boy in pyjamas put down the basket he was weaving and looked at the face for a second or two , then turned back to his basket .
15 She put down the slice she already had , and looked at the plate .
16 She stuffed the printout into her bag , where — somewhere — three other copies were already lurking , and looked at the time .
17 General Carson laid down the slip of paper he had been studying and looked at the colonel seated across the table from him .
18 My father checks the cellar every few weeks , going nervously down with a torch , counting the bales and sniffing , and looking at the thermometer and hygrometer .
19 There are two small patches to the north of the city and looking at the plan again this morning there 's one small patch
20 She saw a young man squatting on a rucksack , eating a bar of chocolate and looking at the board .
21 And looking at the glow of restrained excitement in the other actor 's face , Charles knew that Alex Household thought he was about to get his part back .
22 Additionally however , we need to make it clear that when we have looked at the figures and I would pay some to the opposition for bringing er some matters to our attention , erm and looking at the way in which very , very careful on the part of this council has led to a better reserve position than we would previously have expected .
23 Others might be talking to their girlfriends or just idly smoking and looking at the sky .
24 Setting aside this particular match and looking at the idea on a broader basis , I see a rough ride ahead if the idea spreads .
25 Instead , after a pause , and looking at the man quizzically , Ceauşescu remarked , ‘ Have it your way then ’ , and walked off .
26 Sometimes the bible surprises us a little bit of course , and it puts it finger on things that we perhaps do n't really want to talk about or we do n't even consider as sins and the bible is quite clear that not all sins are what we do often there what we do n't do in parable that Jesus told concerning the traveller , the man who went down to Jericho , we do n't condemn the priest and the levite for what they did , but we do condemn them for what they did n't do , their sin was not what they did , it was what they left undone , going over and looking at the man was very note worthy , as least there was some interest there and we do n't condemn them for that , but we do condemn them for hurrying along and not reaching out and helping the man in the Pistol of James and chapter four and verse seventeen James says there , any one then who knows the good he ought to do and does n't do it , sins so the sins that you and I comment or the sins rather that we are guilty of are not just the things that we do there of times the things that we do n't do and sometimes there more difficult for us to put a finger on , we can justify them so very easily its been said that all it needs for evil to triumph , is for good men to say or to do nothing well lets look at the , that , illu illustration there that we have in the second book of kings .
27 She was biting her lip and looking at the ceiling , as if willing herself awake .
28 He laughs , too , putting his head back and looking at the ceiling .
29 Round about four o'clock in the afternoon he would sometimes forget Morris and sprawl back in his chair with his hands behind his head , yawning and looking at the ceiling , just as he had before Morris 's arrival .
30 He tries putting them behind his back and looking at the floor , smiling reflectively .
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