Example sentences of "and make [adj] [conj] they " in BNC.

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1 the natural deduction from what I have said so far would be for Governments to end the necessity of monetising debt and make sure that they do n't put themselves in the position of monetising debt — at any rate in circumstances where there is not a substantial deficiency of demand for labour and where therefore the monetisation of debt would not be counterbalanced by an increase in real production .
2 Fru Gertlinger , the young wife of the gardener at the Villa , recently become housekeeper , made them picnic lunches and every day they rode out early to check their notes and make sure that they had missed nothing .
3 In a design of this kind , where the flowers and leaves are built up in layers , you should try to look at the outline that will be visible ( in this case , the outer leaves ) , and make sure that they are lying at pleasing angles .
4 Make a list of the permitted aids and make sure that they are all in working order .
5 Remember to note the names of those asked to be responsible for work to be carried out before the next meeting , and make sure that they are clearly displayed in the minutes .
6 Talk to them about it and make sure that they understand the purpose of techniques like silent viewing and prediction .
7 Those jobs where we 've done badly because we can learn why they went badly and make sure that they do n't happen again .
8 Always run pipes with a fall away from the cistern and make sure that they are well supported with pipe clips
9 Should I have a job specification for everyone in my team , so if I am asked where is it , I can say here it is , and make sure that they are all signed off .
10 Erm I think what we have to do in particular as , as , as full time officers is , is probably try and er and erm chase things up although they they 're within the realms of the respo the respective LEC 's but to try and make sure that they do get some clearer , if not confirmed , insight into re in relation to the contribution aspect .
11 No , but it 's up to the every individual to try and make sure that they do get that level of service .
12 Settlement ‘ I would have thought that they would have learned from the public ridicule of the last month and made certain that they did n't get up to these things again , ’ he told the Press Association .
13 The myriad cells of the brain are like the shells where pearls are born but incomparably finer , and in these cells the ideas sleep through time , and are cut and polished and made perfect and they at last enter a crucible where the new crystal is reborn and is grown .
14 Much emphasis was put on the importance of identifying the key decision-takers and making sure that they had the right information — much was made of the necessity of their getting a balanced picture on which to take their decisions .
15 These papers suggest that the profession has some distance to travel before recognising that an enlightened self interest would have it advertising for complaints and making sure that they were investigated independently .
16 He thinks that the fundamental failure in the proposals is a lack of measures to identify the original polluters and to make sure that they pay the clean-up costs .
17 She advises worried parents to take their children out to museums , the theatre and cinema , and to make sure that they are getting plenty of interaction with other children .
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