Example sentences of "and make [noun pl] [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 Little Billy glanced back quickly over his shoulder , and now , in the distance , he saw a sight that froze his blood and made icicles in his veins .
2 By that time he had not only set in motion all the police retinue that attends on sudden and unexplained death , but also attended their ministrations throughout , seen the body examined , photographed , cased in its plastic shell and removed by ambulance to the forensic laboratory , delegated certain necessary duties , placated the police doctor and the pathologist , come to terms with the inevitable grief and rage which do not reach the headlines , and made dispositions within his own mind for the retribution which is so often aborted .
3 In Donaghy [ 1981 ] Crim LR 644 ( Crown Court ) , the accused ordered a taxi-driver to take him from Newmarket to London and made threats to his life .
4 Subsequent entries on his report card show Hermann enjoying his new job delivering films to cinemas , paying off his debts and making toys in his spare time .
5 And if I tell thee that his Guavas , Pawpaws , Ginger and Lime are in such plenty that yearly he makes abundance of wet sweetmeats , of his own growth that serves his table and makes presents to his friends .
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