Example sentences of "and give an [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The hypothesis of the nature and origin of the Created God as has been expounded herein provides a means whereby God can be defined and given an origin in evolutionary terms , and from there on in broader terms to embrace human civilisation .
2 TONY AGANA was yesterday slapped on the transfer list by Notts County — and given an earbashing by boss Neil Warnock .
3 It transpired that the previous day he had been in Liverpool and given an interview to the Daily Telegraph which had been interpreted to mean that we were about to call in the troops .
4 If a rat is placed in a marked box and given an injection of apomorphine , it sits still for half an hour with its hair erect and shivering .
5 If , six months later , it is placed in the same box and given an injection of saline , it displays the identical behaviour as when given the drug .
6 Described and given an example of the use of slip charts for monitoring projects .
7 When in May 1951 he returned from his holiday in Spain , for example , he had at once to prepare for three different public engagements in the following month — the first weekend was to be spent at Brighton for the annual meeting of the Alliance Française , occasions which he now found appallingly dull ; then he was obliged to make a speech on behalf of the Cecil Houses Trust for old people , and give an address at Chichester Cathedral .
8 The panniers and fanciful baskets , overflowing with variegated worsted , are gay and full of pleasure to the eye , and give an air of elegant business that is vivifying .
9 On the other hand , the old Chancery practice which compelled B to go through the whole of A's story and give an answer upon oath to everything said in it has disappeared ; the evidence in the ordinary course is given viva voce in court when the trial comes on .
10 Define the following geographical terms , and give an example of each — Estuary , Straits , Volcano , Isthmus , Watershed .
11 To provide a summary of these stages , and give an example of how Procedure Audit might work in practice , consider typical procedures for claiming travel and other expenses in a small section of a large organisation .
12 2 discuss the philosophy of our unit and give an example of our resident 's day .
13 As a guide to construction , these pictures should reflect relevant structures and processes , and give an overview of the climate of the particular situation being addressed , together with any issues that are pertinent at the time of the analysis .
14 It would be wrong to pretend that in a booklet of this size , we can do any more than raise some of these issues and give an overview of the way in which the company tries to deal with them .
15 Again it will be your posture that will help you and give an impression of confidence , or lack of it , to your audience .
16 I can offer an account of what the minimum level to be attained at 16 by 80%-90% of pupils would entail in a few areas of the curriculum … ; in English , pupils would need to demonstrate that they are attentive listeners and confident speakers when dealing with everyday matters of which they have experience , that they can read straightforward written information and pass it on — orally and in written form — without loss of meaning and that they can say clearly what their own views are ; in Mathematics , that they can apply the topics and skills in the foundation list proposed in the Cockcroft Report ; in Science , that they are willing and able to take a practical approach to problems , involving sensible observations and appropriate measurements and can communicate their findings effectively … ; in History , that they possess some historical knowledge and perspective , understand the concepts of cause and consequence , and can compare and extract information from historical evidence and be aware of its limitations ; and in CDT [ craft , design and technology ] , that they can design and make something , using a limited range of materials and calling on a restricted range of concepts and give an account of what they have done and the problems they encountered .
17 Invite the chosen agent to inspect the house and give an indication of the market price .
18 The examples given of settlements in Canada , Australia and New Zealand demonstrate the influence of a few of the colonisers who went out from Ayrshire and give an indication of the varied circumstances and locations in which the emigrants started their new lives .
19 The Cadbury Committee suggests auditors should test going concern assumptions , and give an opinion on the directors ' report .
20 The wash of pure colour which is semi-transparent will give a quite different quality of colour to the water , and give an illusion of movement and fluctuation .
21 They will be showing fledgling superstars what it takes to be successful in the business and give an insight into studio sampling and computer techniques .
22 He flew to Hamburg at the beginning of May in order to attend the postponed ceremony for the Hanseatic-Goethe prize and to give an address on " Goethe the Sage " .
23 The ceremonies were designed to renew the king 's vitality , to reaffirm his rule and to give an opportunity for all the nomes of districts in the land to reswear allegiance to him .
24 The main function of the passive in English and in a number of other languages is , as already mentioned , to avoid specifying the agent and to give an impression of objectivity .
25 I feel it is appropriate to provide you with the details of our costs to date and to give an indication of the likely costs to the conclusion of the heads of agreement .
26 The existence string should be used to provide a brief reason why the module name is being reserved and to give an indication of what the module contains at present or is meant to contain in the future .
27 The existence string should be used to provide a brief reason why the module names are being reserved and to give an indication of what the modules contain at present or are meant to contain in the future .
28 One of his ideas was to travel to different churches and town halls , providing all entertainment and giving an address about deafness .
29 The defendant 's solicitor endorses on the copy summons a certificate duly accepting service and giving an address for service .
30 Desk , typewriter , telephone , safe , filing cabinet — all very modern and giving an impression of crisp business-like efficiency .
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