Example sentences of "and they [modal v] [verb] their " in BNC.

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1 So I said we 'll get out tickets and they 'll get their tickets tomorrow , we 're gon na get our tickets separately .
2 And he shall judge among many people and rebuke strong nations afar off ; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks ; nation shall not lift up a sword against nation , neither shall they learn war any more .
3 ‘ If a husband or wife wants a family deep down , then it may eat away at the relationship and they may blame their partner for not allowing them to fulfil their needs . ’
4 The falcons share with the owls ( p. 177 ) a number of marked behaviour differences from hawks , eagles , buzzards and other members of the Accipitridae ( p. 70 ) ; their droppings fall straight down from the perch instead of being squirted away ; they build no nest of their own ; they kill their prey by biting and severing the back of the neck ; they hold their food in one claw ; the young hiss when afraid or threatening ; and they may bob their heads to show curiosity .
5 And they may increase their backing as he gets older .
6 For the next week or two there would be work enough for the rivermen , and they would shoulder their way into the dining rooms during the coming days for mugs of steaming tea and coffee , thick bacon sandwiches and thick slices of new bread liberally coated with dripping .
7 But they were some well on , lo and behold , could open the door er two or three minutes late and c er call the er number , Yes sir , er as they entered the class and they would get their mark , this being I think you got a red mark if you were late , t to stand out so that an inspector who came down periodically could look down the register and there was the record of who was early and who was late by the colour of the ink-pens , I think .
8 And sometimes it would be a good of water you see , and they would get their feet wet .
9 Er and if if they would work they did n't want money for it but they would stay a while with you so that they would get their bed for the night and they would get their grub .
10 And they would stick their horns into the ground and into the hedge .
11 Ministers make excuses in their own interests , but they are responsible for these matters and they should do their job properly .
12 Far be it for me to say that this is the sort of budget that conservatives ought to applaud because it is after all , a budget that is guided by a feeling that councils should provide services and they should orientate their services to the least communities , to be guided by equal opportunities and by egalitarians and that 's what this group has always stood for , this is the budget that we present tonight and I would hope that it would get a far better and far larger measure of support than perhaps of course been the case in the past .
13 Liverpool and Birmingham , Cropper and Sturge , worked together through these meetings ( 2,000 at Liverpool ) to ‘ have a powerful effect on Parliament and they must do their duty ’ .
14 Many people suffer from the same disease of thinking they must be right all the time , and they must push their rightness onto other people .
15 We should remember that homosexuals form part of society , and they can exert their influence on the prevailing norms and values and therefore also on legislation .
16 The class are encouraged to find their own solutions to problems and they can choose their own methods of working ; they are encouraged to be active , independent learners .
17 and they 'll soon be gone and one thing which annoyed me er a Scotsman or a Welshman or an Irishman can go on television they 'll accept them and they can talk their
18 The idea of the tour is so that they can actually er listen to it , but they can turn it off whenever they want and they can use their guide book to see what is in each room and if you look at the guidebook as we go round , you will find that that the things are illustrated , you know the pot .
19 For some of these parents the injunction against such feelings is not too strong and they can accept their falls from grace with a certain amount of equanimity .
20 The point is that SRC 's customers are the individual businesses in Specialties and other parts of the ICI group , and they can take their work elsewhere .
21 There are 100 or so such centres and they can attribute their origins to the individual legal and charitable initiatives of members of the profession .
22 Regional brewers have opportunities to acquire further premises from the national brewers , and they can sell their beers to a greater number of ’ free outlets ’ after November 1992 .
23 The individual performers will be interested in other factors too as will the teacher , and they can have their own checklist of language performance points to look for .
24 Even though the offer may be a fair one , they may be tempted to retain their shares in the hope that the target 's performance will improve and they will recover their position .
25 Then both the earners and the users of foreign exchange will know its real opportunity cost , and they will adjust their behaviour so as to economize on foreign exchange in the short term and to earn more of it in the long term .
26 And they will adjust their foundations or powders until they match your skin exactly .
27 Their sins deny them rest and they will continue their nefarious behaviour beyond the grave unless formally exorcised .
28 And they will celebrate their elevation to senior speedway by riding against world stars like Sam Ermolenko , Jeremy Doncaster and Simon Wigg .
29 ‘ I will now beg leave to make some observations on the distance of the Veterinary College from the Town — first — because the Society has no rival to dread in an establishment of this nature — secondly — whether the Infirmary is situated a Mile further or nearer it will not prevent people of sense from sending their Horses there — thirdly — the resident pupils being distant from places of dissipation , it will protect their morals and they will employ their time in study .
30 To participate , send the child 's name , address , age and preferred language to ACA Inc , 85780 Cinderbed Rd , Suite 1900 , POB 1190 , Newington , Virginia 22122–1190 , USA , and they will use their computer database to find a match .
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