Example sentences of "and they [verb] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 It was to be the holiday of a life-time and they hoped to be gone for two or three months .
2 Their eyes were fixed on each other in cold fury , their hands placed on the table , palms down , and they seemed to be waiting — waiting for
3 But the cook was in fine form and they seemed to be thawing a bit when I left them chattering away in Greek with Denholm sitting among them and not understanding a word they were saying .
4 , yes that 's , erm yeah , I , last month I received the er , this booklet on the trade and they seemed to be coming out to doing campaign on erm a collection between British training and goods , er and their use abroad erm , and they now , they 've got a , a booking form for a fringe meeting at the A G M , if anyone 's particularly interested attending .
5 And they had hundreds and hundreds of hens in deep litter and they seemed to be making a lot of money out of it .
6 And they seemed to be old friends . ’
7 They came over to meet some people and they seemed to be interested .
8 I watched it for several minutes , and they seemed to be landing and one was stationary in the air , without moving , and the rest were going up and down .
9 I could n't get to sleep , and I noticed in the air there was a red light flashing , and several other green lights flashing , and they were coming , helicopter noises , and er I watched them for several minutes and they seemed to be landing and one was stationary in the air , without moving , and rest were going up and down .
10 Ordinary pantiles abounded in eastern England where commerce with Holland was strong and they began to be manufactured in Norfolk around the turn of seventeenth century .
11 Many of them were the scourings of the jails , and they began to be even more vile than before , burning houses , torturing people , and retaliating against the civilian population in every way they could .
12 By about 1000 BC much smaller cattle began to appear and they came to be called the Celtic oxen , their different skull shape giving rise to the term Bos brachyceros or Bos longifrons , though they were not in fact of a separate species but members of the Bos taurus species like other longhorns and shorthorns in temperate regions .
13 The most toxic residues from industrial society are rarely successfully neutralised or excreted by living organisms , and they tend to be increasingly concentrated in animal tissues as they are passed up the food chain .
14 But that ideal runs straight into the fact that some areas of the country are richer than others , and they tend to be places that need less spending anyway .
15 The aerosol droplets have to be just the right size : too big and they may get trapped in noses , too small and they tend to be exhaled without staying in the lungs .
16 Most fruit-eaters require other kinds of food as supplements , and they tend to be generally more omnivorous in their habits .
17 They concern spoken discourse in which sender and receiver interact with each other rapidly , and they tend to be short and deal with a few turns at most .
18 I think other people are finding it difficult , but it 's mostly boys and they tend to be more practical and keep calmer about it and also not worry about it , which does help .
19 And I mean I think women tend to be inv having to cope with things like school and er and health and you know they 're a at the grass roots if you like of you know at the receiving end of you know say cuts in in services like that and bus services and just quality of rural life and I mean the quality of life in Blaenau is depopulation and unemployment and you know and and in a sense there is lot of scope for women to break down the barriers of you know cos it is true that the the Councillors they 're supposed to represent the people or whatever tend to be quite well to do they 've done it thank you very much and then oh you know they 've got the time on their hands and they tend to be men and s school ex school teachers ex You know and they 're not having to cope with really situations that go will put them in touch with what it 's like not to have a bus service or not to have proper health care and this sort of thing you know .
20 They tend to be young , and they tend to be male .
21 It would have been a great deal more difficult because military aircraft use more volatile fuel , and they tend to be armed , they tend to be carrying things that civil aircraft do n't normally carry , so yes , it would 've been much more difficult .
22 Yes , and they tend to be larger cars .
23 But she survived and she lived and brought her children and they left to be in England again .
24 The West Country 's joy at being able to combine quality and tradition in the shape of brand-new brown-and-cream-liveried bus-based four-wheeled diesel units for local branch services turned to dismay when their long wheelbase caused ear-splitting squeals on tight curves , and they had to be rapidly replaced by the thirty-year-old DMUs they had supplanted , fortunately not yet scrapped .
25 With the tension reaching boiling point , it was finally announced that the French officials had allowed the result to stand and they had to be applauded for a sporting decision .
26 They were not chromium-plated and they had to be cleaned regularly , every day .
27 This led to blows on the set and they had to be separated by actor Alan Hale .
28 But his secretiveness extended to not even telling them that , and they had to be content to accompany him as he turned left at the foot of the steps that led up to the station entrance and headed for the quays .
29 An and they had to be fed .
30 The need for flexibility in plan making was stressed ; something more than land use maps were required and they had to be more responsive to the rapid changes then being experienced in the 1960s in terms of economic and social trends , population forecasts and traffic growth .
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