Example sentences of "and that she [vb past] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Basinger testified in the civil suit that no contract existed with Main Line Pictures Inc. and that she chose not to appear in the film , Boxing Helena , because she would have had to perform in graphic sex scenes .
2 Ronni suspected that was probably true and that she 'd always known it .
3 When I started my enquiries into our family history I was told that Mary Kell was two years older than George Webster and that she had previously been engaged to his elder brother who had died before they could marry .
4 However they accepted that Mrs. Buttigieg is a regular and long-time customer and that she had n't seen their notice .
5 It knew that she had not been there before , and that she had somehow appeared amongst them from nowhere .
6 No doubt he exaggerated ( such was his wont where his conscience was concerned ) ; yet the only news she had received from Em herself had not been happy ; and now — to learn that she had suffered a miscarriage in that desert place at such a time of year , and that she had not felt able to share the grief of it with her own affectionate sister …
7 But Main Line , an independent filmmaker , contended that it had reached an oral agreement with Basinger , a standard Hollywood handshake deal , and that she had later backed out of it .
8 Indeed , one CIA report claimed that she had contempt for her elder son , for she felt he was unworthy of his father , and that she had actually plotted to put Ali Reza on the throne .
9 She did n't try overhard , she just wanted to let me know I was secure with her , that the break-up of my parents ' marriage was n't the worst thing that ever happened , and that she had enough love to cover us all .
10 The Judge said that he had stolen Lady Margaret 's ring , and that she had only bought it that day and the ring was a very expensive diamond .
11 That I did in fact think this way , and that her assumptions about my assumptions were in fact correct , is borne out by the fact that I interpreted her words quickly , and that she seemed perfectly satisfied with my interpretation .
12 But Main Line contended it had reached a binding verbal agreement with Basinger , who was to have been paid £2m ( 3m dollars ) for six weeks ' work , and that she backed out of it four weeks before shooting was to begin in 1991 .
13 ‘ She told him his clothes were awful and that she did n't like his schoolboyish haircut . ’
14 I promised to ring him , if he did n't ring me first , reassured her again that everything was fine and that she did n't need to drive over to look after me .
15 and that she did n't care
16 It was robust at times , but there was never anything kinky about our relationship ’ and that she did not think he was capable of what he had been accused .
17 ‘ Ridley J. has come to the conclusion that in fact no sufficient explanation of it was given to her , and that she did not understand it .
18 Blanche had increasingly come to accept that doing her best was good enough and that she did not need to measure herself against some ideal standard .
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