Example sentences of "and that [ex0] had been " in BNC.

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1 But he said Yates denied taking steroids and that there had been irregularities in the testing procedures .
2 There were suggestions that Bond Corporation executives had been under regular surveillance and that there had been interference with telephone communications , Mr Lucas said .
3 I repeated that I saw ‘ no case for a further round of Beeching cuts ’ and that there had been no secret talks or plans .
4 People said it was smoothed over , and that there had been adjustments of personnel in the agriculture department .
5 Sir Ian Gilmour , sacked from the Cabinet in September 1981 , was on both main television news bulletins on 10 January , telling viewers that being a good listener was not one of Mrs Thatcher 's virtues , and that there had been ‘ a downgrading of Cabinet government ’ ; Cabinet meetings were something to be got through , not the place where views were to be aired and decisions reached .
6 The feedback suggested that attitudes had been changed and that there had been an increase in knowledge and skills .
7 All three were aware that the King and Queen had , after four years of war , come to represent to their subjects all that was best in the domestic and public virtues , and that there had been current for some time an idea of presenting to them a gift as a mark of national respect , thanks and loyalty .
8 The Home Office originally announced that no prisoners had been injured , but it was finally admitted that 54 had been , and that there had been criminal assaults on prisoners by staff .
9 On February 21 , 1991 a hearing took place before the justices , in camera , at which it was submitted on the defendant 's behalf that the publication of the prosecution would be a penalty highly prejudicial to the defendant 's business , that the publicity would bring about closure , that the restaurant had strong defences to each summons and that there had been serious breaches of PACE by the investigating officer .
10 In the court below she had also alleged that her husband was acting not only on his own behalf but as agent for the bank in obtaining her consent , that the bank was negligent and that there had been material misrepresentation , although the latter allegation was not pursued .
11 At his trial , the judge rejected his submission that there was no case to answer in that the goods had been sold under a contract between the customer and the shop and that there had been no appropriation of property belonging to another .
12 She 'd called Julie that morning to make sure she was all right , and that there had been no more trouble .
13 Following the allegations of fraud in the July 1989 legislative and municipal elections in five states [ see p. 36811 ] an independent tribunal ruled in September that the left-wing nationalist Democratic Revolutionary Party ( Partido de la Revolución Democrática — PRD ) had in fact won 14 of the 18 seats in the state legislature in Michoacán , as opposed to the six initially conceded to the PRD against 12 for the ruling PRI , and that there had been widespread voting irregularities in the other four states .
14 A report in the Far Eastern Economic Review of Nov. 16 noted that China 's strategic interests in Myanma had " undergone a fundamental change " since the 1970s when China had supported anti-government insurgents operating near the China-Myanma border , and that there had been a shift towards greater economic co-operation .
15 Prime Minister Rabbie Namaliu insisted , however , that the Commissioner had acted under the influence of alcohol and that there had been no conspiracy .
16 Some reports indicated that Palestinians in Kuwait had generally opposed the Iraqi invasion and that there had been considerable co-operation between Palestinians and Kuwaitis .
17 Although Commonwealth observers reported that voting had been free and fair , Mancham said that the poll had been rigged against the Democratic Party , claiming that there had been an " abundant use of state apparatus " in the SPPF campaign and that there had been irregularities in the establishment of the electoral lists , allowing some people to vote more than once .
18 Frank Almond , Chief Executive of Intermediate Technology , said that Major had " missed the mark in a quite spectacular manner " , and that there had been no apparent attempt to look at what was either affordable or appropriate .
19 The spokesman claimed 200 similar crossings had a good safety record and that there had been no accidents on Seal Sands Road since the crossing opened in the late 1970s .
20 In that era , notes Forster , if you had ‘ Venetian ’ tendencies , you thought it was because you were meant to be a man and that there had been some mistake .
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