Example sentences of "and that [det] [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 On Feb. 13 up to 50,000 demonstrators outside the CP headquarters called for the deportation of Armenian refugees from Dushanbe ( the authorities insisted that fewer than 40 Armenians had arrived in the city , not thousands as rumoured , and that all had been housed with relatives ) , for the dismissal of the republic 's leadership , and for better job prospects and housing and environmental protection .
2 If we do , we now have a model and can say that he and his family have been through it and have borne it with great fortitude , resilience and courage — as has been said , only through their deep religious faith — and that that has been a great lesson to us all .
3 The conventional view of his time was that all species were immutable and that each had been individually and separately created by God .
4 She suggests that there are two elements of the job — the educational and the service — and that neither has been properly thought out .
5 Rioting was reported in the ensuing days in Yaoundé , Douala and Bafoussam , and news agency reports quoted an official of the SDF as saying on Nov. 1 that 500 people had been arrested in Bamenda , and that many had been subjected to beatings .
6 It agreed with the police that he had been arrested for cycling without due care and attention and that this had been sufficiently communicated to him .
7 Judge Sirica 's doubts were confirmed when McCord admitted in March that the defendants had lied at the trial , that they had received payments of over $200 000 to keep quiet and that this had been done from a high level in the White House .
8 All except Lord Diplock founded their decision on the ground that the LTE was under a general duty to run its operations on ordinary business principles and that this had been breached by the reduction of fares without regard to those principles .
9 All that the loyalists knew was that their very own Special Constabulary was going to be dismantled and that this had been one of NICRA 's long-standing demands .
10 Although Perot refused to endorse the candidacies of either Clinton or Bush , he conceded that the Democratic Party had done " a brilliant job " in reviving itself , and that this had been a key factor in his decision to withdraw .
11 Suppose that the actual inflation rate is 10 per cent and that this has been expected by all economic agents , with the result that it has been fully accounted for in wage bargaining , in the activities of borrowing and lending and in the tax system .
12 They suggest that public expenditure growth has led to a transfer of productive resources from the private sector to a public sector producing largely non-marketed output , and that this has been a major factor in the UK 's poor performance in the post-war period .
13 In some cases it was reported that Albanian frontier guards had opened fire on the refugees and that some had been killed .
14 and that some have been destroyed unrecognised .
15 One of the problems a few people said clear the ditches , well that 's not true we , there is a , there is a , the law is erm very er diverse on this subject , it 's er in certain cases , it 's landowners , the farmers erm and that those have been neglected , we 're paying the cost of really complacency .
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