Example sentences of "and that [pers pn] could [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Early in the year , it had become apparent that the combination of recession and low growth was having a punishing effect on our downstream businesses and that we could no longer continue investing at our previously high levels .
2 They found that the swamp was forcing them back and that they could no longer keep even an erratic southward course but were withdrawing towards the east , away from where they believed the Outlaws ' Camp lay .
3 There had been an almighty family row a fortnight before : Tristram had remarked that she was overworked and that they could easily afford a servant , and Harry had taken exception to the suggestion .
4 This should alert us to the fact that the canons are incomplete records , and that they could even overlook matters of royal concern , like Guntram 's foundation of the monastery of St Marcel .
5 The decline in inflation and the recovery of real incomes was read , quite naturally , as a sign that the emergency was over and that they could safely assert their ‘ rights ’ .
6 I assured Aunt Lavvy that it was so , and that I could never coerce an unwilling female .
7 There was evidence of rivets in it and an X-ray revealed traces of a metal covering , which confirmed to experts that it might well have come from the gable end of just such a shrine , and that it could well have been the piece described by the father of Welsh historical research .
8 Friends of the Earth fear that once the site is full , there 's a risk the expensive process of pumping out leachate might not be continued and that it could then leak through the clay lining and contaminate groundwater .
9 To his great relief he found that the pains in his head had almost gone and that he could now move his left leg , albeit with some difficulty .
10 It seemed to Wetherfield to follow that where a creditor had proved his debtor 's means , he might have him committed to prison , and that he could then levy on those means , if tangible and available , to obtain payment of what was owed him .
11 What does seem to be the case is that Rolle had an experience of what he understood as divine reality which transfigured his ordinary perception and that he could only express this in terms of the way men respond to the arts of music and literature .
12 He believed that good architecture could only be created by good people and that you could only be good by being an unreformed Christian .
13 He said it was clear to him you were pining away , and that you could only be saved if I took you away and made love to you for the rest of our lives . ’
14 During the first days of that Holy Week Mrs Abigail continued to believe that she could not endure a marriage that was a travesty , and that she could no longer endure life in Dynmouth .
15 One woman , remarking on ‘ how wonderful it was , with what faith the Führer spoke ’ , was reported as saying it took just such a speech to show ‘ how faint-hearted one had become through the routine of everyday life ’ , and that she could now look to the future with confidence again .
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