Example sentences of "and that [pers pn] be very " in BNC.

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1 One of them gesticulated to us and , using harsh , staccato Russian ( which neither of us understood ) and rather violent stabs into the air , made it very clear that we had taken a dangerous route over the ice and that we were very stupid indeed .
2 If spots or downlights are to be inset into a very high ceiling , make sure you have the longest-lasting bulbs possible and that they are very easy to change ; otherwise you 'll be for ever climbing ladders to deal with them .
3 They all said that they were amazed with Randolph 's performance last night and that they were very sorry for teasing him .
4 Erm the young ones will remember Nottingham Forest but the ones with any depth I think are well aware that we are the oldest club in the world and that they were very keen to have a look at the ground .
5 erm in general we must remember that Iran was erm stating very clearly that it was exporting it 's revolution and there were statements which came out from the Iraqui from the Irani revolutionary committee that they were against the Arab states at the time and that they were very committed towards liberating Israel through Baghdad and such statements was coming , so obviously erm the Arabs had to stick together according to charter of the league of Arab states , which everybody was a member of , and Iraq being subjected to war it was natural for the Arabs to give Iraq support .
6 ‘ I am bitterly disappointed , for Aunt Emily says that it would not be at all proper for me to come to Trelorne and that I was very wrong to let you think that I might .
7 But er the national agreement was established by then and er I just I just took it upon myself to try the women and that I was very successful .
8 And that it 's very disorganised and you never know where you are regarding rooms .
9 ‘ I think it 's a nasty job and that it 's very degrading , but it 's there . ’
10 But critics say that the project failed to recognize the diversity of the US scientific community and that it is very difficult for any non-governmental group to bring about significant and lasting change .
11 You will tell him that it must be in secret and that it is very , very important .
12 He told the court that he had been under ‘ emotional stress ’ at the time of the offence and that it was very much out of character for him to drink and then drive .
13 Aristotle added that the manticore 's voice was ‘ like a small trumpet ’ and that it was very wild , although if its tail was bruised it could be tamed without any trouble .
14 All agreed that it was a trick and that it was very silly of the people who made it .
15 She said she was driving an ambulance in the air raids and that it was very exciting but dreadfully tiring ; sometimes she went to bed after breakfast and slept until evening .
16 He came home one day reporting that a " gym shoe " was used to administer punishment and that it was very painful .
17 In tracing that elusive ancestor the family historian therefore needs to be aware that long before the age of the railways people did sometimes travel long distances and that it was very common for men , women and adolescents to move within a few miles radius of their birthplace .
18 Fagin inspected the handkerchieves and told the two boys that they were extremely well made and that he was very pleased with their work .
19 Marcus sat carefully on the bunk , feeling that the walls were a long way away and that he was very small .
20 It seems to err in moving the death of Archbishop Lyfing to 1019 ( C and E together speak strongly for 1020 ) , but D adds that his other name was Ælfstan and that he was very firm in counsel whether in matters of church or state .
21 He could sense that she was alive somewhere close , where the Men had taken her , and that she was very near her end ; nearer than she had been before .
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