Example sentences of "and not [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is not unique to the industrial sector and not even to engineering ; it occurs in such widely differing activities as the construction of a longhut in a jungle clearing and the knitting of a pullover .
2 They 're still completely wild , but then they also want to be remembered as a damned good band and not just as part of a mad drugs scene . ’
3 On the other hand , if this distinction is wrong , if faith depends on knowledge and knowledge depends on faith , then doubt would be a challenge to both knowledge and faith and not just to faith .
4 This is a much more difficult question to answer , because it involves applying the quantum principle to the structure of time and space themselves and not just to particle paths in a given space-time background .
5 Professionals , in the CD approach , learn to work with and not just on behalf of individuals and communities .
6 In this study , the fibre score was based on the total fibre intake , and not just on fibre derived from the standardised wheat bran .
7 And not just for art historians .
8 Mr Smith spelt out the new direction the EC must take to make sure it would be a community for people and not just for business .
9 The 8 acre bowl is a reclaimed landfill site which is aiming to become one of Europe 's premier entertainment venues and not just for rock music .
10 The long legs have travelled , and not just through time .
11 Innovative products are an essential part of the process of economic growth , providing new employment and not just in manufacturing .
12 They had come to share so much , and not just in bed .
13 This sort of power accountant , a bookkeeper on horseback , is the future and not just in television . ’
14 Welfare rights and patients ' monies ' officers are , indeed , needed in every service and not just in community care , but at present there is doubt as to who should pay for them .
15 And not just in football .
16 This point is highly significant and not just in relation to the text under discussion .
17 You have to keep showing improvement , and not just in height but in technique .
18 More recently , Axelrod and Hamilton ( 1981 ) have shown ( for a slightly altered model ) that Tit-for-Tat is stable against any alternative strategy , and not just against Defect .
19 Their trick this time was to pretend that Parliament was really only a legislature and not also in consequence the effective controller of executive government .
20 So choose wisely and not simply on price alone .
21 Co-transfection and parallel transfection experiments using a non-secreted marker protein ( β -galactosidase plasmid ) confirmed that GGF activity in conditioned medium results from secretion and not simply from cell lysis or leakage .
22 LEAs could provide nursery schools and classes ; they could provide or finance holiday classes , camps , play schemes , swimming baths , community centres and recreation facilities ; and were given the responsibility ( never implemented ) to ensure that all young people up to age 18 , and not otherwise in education , received part-time further education by attending a ‘ county college ’ for the equivalent of one day a week .
23 The disease is closed-minded and not open to persuasion .
24 She was seventeen and not exactly in charge of her own life . ’
25 And not alone in habit and device ,
26 The term has also long been associated with powerful aesthetic connotations , with that which is colourfully beguiling , especially in interior decoration and furnishing , and not least in garden ornament .
27 The authors contented themselves with noting that things might be improved by more flexible and continuous transfer ( and not only at age thirteen ) , by the introduction of General Certificate of Education courses in the secondary modern schools , and by the creation of comprehensive schools .
28 NO DOUBT there is a problem with drug abuse in this city and not only on council estates .
29 As far as the stress on his philosophical bent is concerned , we can certainly grant ( and not only with hindsight ) that Nietzsche was substantially correct .
30 The rough bandage was saturated , and not only with rain .
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