Example sentences of "and not [adv] [verb] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 How can they ‘ analyse ’ the f*cking match and not even mention Rocky 's goal ? ? ?
2 And not simply Hung Mao , but Nordic .
3 John goes further and not only calls Judas a thief but also says that he was chosen by God to perform this evil deed .
4 Bayezid II was won over by Mueyyedzade 's arguments and not only appointed Kemalpasazade to the Taslik medrese but also charged him with writing a history of the Ottoman dynasty in Turkish to serve as a companion piece to that being written in Persian by Idris Bitlisi
5 And not only did Gerry Fitt , the SDLP 's only MP at the time , abstain in the vote , he persuaded Independent Nationalist MP , Frank Maguire to abstain as well .
6 The Indians , for so long arch opponents of the Pretoria regime correctly read the winds of change and not only supported South Africa 's return to the Test brotherhood , but proposed it .
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