Example sentences of "and he 's just [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 and he 's just using James and that lot .
2 And he 's just getting a head of steam .
3 And he 's just getting them in .
4 There 's this bloke on top of this bus — you know , one of them big ones with no roof , and he 's just shouting .
5 I get the impression he agrees with what I 'm saying and he 's just shaking his head at the sheer extent of human deviousness and spite .
6 It 's a , is it in , and he 's just saying that the develop redevelopment starts in autumn ?
7 Where he comes in and he does that piss and he 's and Madonna 's standing there looking at him like this and she 's just looking at him and she 's going , anyone who can keep it up that long and he 's just sitting there going er no he 's going er and she 's going , she 's going , and she 's coming round like that trying to look at him , I could n't stop laughing .
8 has to come up to the house to talk to him and erm like he sort of opens the door and just shuts it in his face cos he finds out the other bloke 's a prince and he 's just standing there in the rain .
9 ‘ We understand he 's still in Moscow , and he 's just waiting for the work permit to come through before signing for us . ’
10 He 's there , still curled up and still secured by the tape , but he must have wriggled his way through to here while you were down in the cellar ; he 's knocked over a table with the phone on it and he 's just turning the phone the right way up as you enter the lounge and see him .
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