Example sentences of "and he [verb] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 He has vilified Simon Bates with a campaign that amounts to persecution and he flies into a howling rage every time he hears Sing Something Simple ( R2 ) .
2 It took Prescott a good ten minutes to describe the full pointlessness of his life as a stockbroker and man-about-town before the combined effects of drink and sustaining a conversation took their toll and he declined into a glazed , sullen silence .
3 He was little more than five feet tall , slender all his life , and exuding a febrile energy that served in place of strength until it was periodically depleted and he fell into a relapse , paralleled as he grew older by deep depression of spirits .
4 Immediately a swarm of coolies rushed towards him , dragging their wire-wheeled rickshaws behind them , and he leaped into the nearest one with a loud whoop .
5 It was indeed , and he came into the surgery carrying a bundle wrapped in a towel .
6 An unaccustomed self-pity overtook him , sitting in the straw , and he went into a trance , thinking of all the ways he lost out , trying to think of one positive factor in his favour .
7 At two o'clock in the morning the doctor gave him a sedative and he went into a deep sleep , but when he awoke he did not speak to anyone , and the police found great difficulty in questioning him too .
8 And he went into the corner and cried .
9 Abigail 's door was ajar and he went into the room , bringing a segment of light with him , a triangle that fell short a yard from her cot .
10 A sly look crossed his face , and he went into the ‘ personal friend — special price ’ routine .
11 And he went into the to the Pub
12 and he went into the toilets and there was a lot of coloured men there , Do you want to buy some dope ?
13 But eventually he got a horse and cart , and he went into the fish trade .
14 And he went into the main agent in Edinburgh and gave them an order for three of those , and of course , we did n't get them just right away because er probably we 'd have got the last one about a couple of years later in these days .
15 I saw his feet go past the chair and he went into the house .
16 Happily all four engines had been spared the attention of the Ju88 but I was soon to learn from the flight engineer that the aileron control cable had been severed and he went into the wing root to find the two ends and make some sort of connection .
17 His two brothers both died with smallpox cos one was , they all three went to Wolverhampton Grammar School and they were a Wednesbury family and they died with the smallpox but I thought they were putting the youngest which was my grandfather for the best trai one was going in for law and the other was going in for medicine , and the youngest was go which was the same as engineering is today I suppose , and he went into the gun trade , and I can remember him , he was a grand old chap and er he used to come and bring the springs that he 'd made and to temper them he used to throw them in the kitchen fire , and they 'd die out and get them all out of the ashes in the morning , and he used to take his week 's work in his waistcoat pockets and his day out was to get on the tram at the Brown Lion , and go straight through Wednesbury and right through West Bromwich up to the Constitutional in Birmingham to Greeners or Wembley and Scotts and he 'd got these gun locks as he 'd made during the week in his waistcoat pockets .
18 And in the pursuit he came up to King Yucef , and smote him three times : but the King escaped from under the sword , for the horse of the Cid passed on in his course , and when he turned , the King being on a fleet horse , was far off , so that he might not be overtaken ; and he got into a Castle called Guyera , for so far did the Christians pursue them , smiting and slaying , and giving them no respite , so that hardly fifteen thousand escaped of fifty that they were .
19 And he , he was drunk and he got into the back of his leg with his glass and he got it out , it was a great big steel
20 And , when Maisie and he got into the crowd , he was , of course , stopped by almost every individual in it .
21 His gaze shifted , and he stared into the distance , his expression cruelly self-mocking .
22 And something else ; something he saw as the curtain tore away and he looked into the depths of the unbelievable face above him , fractionally dulled his reflexes .
23 Holly held the mug between his two hands , and his palms were warmed , and he looked into the murk of the liquid .
24 His change of bank with the same g sends his nose up and he climbs into a barrel roll .
25 Someone collected five dollars from Culley and he walked into a roofless space .
26 And er I gets him down and I gets him into the stable , and I gets all the clothes off him and he gets into a bag , a bran bag , more bags and lay down and covered himself , and I hung his clothes round the boiler fire .
27 And he goes into the non-title contest revealing : ‘ I do n't bother watching tapes of my opponents any more .
28 Dan man you 've got th Dan you know the tape that we were recording last night , you 've got ta hear it yeah there 's this bit , yeah , where erm Alex just walks off yeah with the Walkman yeah and he goes into the toilet
29 I confess to him that I have never done Kipling Groove and he launches into a celebration of Arthur Dolphin 's famous classic .
30 The wolf 's yellow eyes shone , and he ran into the myrtle bushes , pulled Bertha out , and ate her .
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