Example sentences of "and it was [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Students spent a lot of time travelling ( walking and even running ) from one lecture to another in various parts of London , and it was increasingly demanded that they should find within the walls of the College all that they required , or that they should at least pay a fee that would entitle them as of right , rather than for charity 's sake , to enter medical lectures .
2 Controversy grew about some of the bolder experiments in egalitarian education , and it was increasingly alleged that basic education , the ‘ three Rs ’ , was being neglected .
3 In classical political thinking , " democracy " was the name not merely of a form of government but of a whole society , and it was habitually associated , by its enemies and critics as well as its friends , with the principle of social equality .
4 By April 1991 , despite the ending of the armed conflict which drove Iraq out of Kuwait [ for ceasefire resolution see p. 38116 ] , the depressed mood was still in evidence , and it was unofficially reported in mid-April that the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) had reduced its forecasts of economic growth among the world 's largest industrialized nations from 2.3 per cent in 1990 to only 1.4 per cent in 1991 .
5 Eight overs remained , and it was universally known that the bails would be lifted even if the match was still undecided : an extra pressure on everyone , and another silly regulation among cricket 's banana-skins , this one installed pre-tour by the visiting team .
6 He had never been stripped of his Bulgarian citizenship , and it was officially reported on June 12 that he had been granted a Bulgarian passport .
7 The first stone of the House of Industry was laid in September 1794 and it was officially opened for the reception of paupers in April 1796 .
8 Paperwork was usually the least enjoyed part of farming and it was invariably left to wives .
9 Arguably , this is another kind of corruption , but it was in general a very long-range bribery , and it was invariably offered in the guise of friendship .
10 What he describes as mild criticism was a serious libel and it was widely disseminated .
11 Hitler 's confidence in early victory made a deep impression , and it was widely believed that the final push would begin in March or April .
12 CNC machine tool manufacturers have often promoted their products with the claim that they can be operated by unskilled operators , and it was widely believed for some time that engineering companies were taking the opportunity given by the introduction of CNC machine tools to replace skilled craft workers by unskilled or semi-skilled operators on the shop-floor , and putting white-collared technicians in the programming office .
13 Gingrich had been the first to lay formal charges which had led to the resignation on June 6 of the Speaker of the House of Representatives , Jim Wright [ see p. 36650 ] , and it was widely believed that his own investigation had been initiated in revenge in April by Representative Bill Alexander ( Dem. , Arkansas ) who on Oct. 26 filed new charges against Gingrich for alleged misuse of campaign funds and of congressional stationery .
14 In his letter of Aug. 14 Saddam had underlined his determination " not to keep any of Iraq 's potential outside the arena of the great duel " and it was widely believed that this implied either an intention to consolidate Iraqi gains in Kuwait or launch an attack against Saudi Arabia .
15 The trial was expected to continue for some time and it was widely believed that evidence would be given which would incriminate politicians still active .
16 No organization claimed responsibility and it was widely speculated that it had been a mistake by ETA .
17 There were few women in senior positions in the school and it was widely rumoured that being Catholic and male were important factors in staff appointments in Bishop McGregor School .
18 Her latest ally , Soviet Russia , was reeling under Hitler 's onslaught and it was widely expected she could not last out the year .
19 He said the prison was close to anarchy and it was widely known that there was a strong risk of violence .
20 The postponement meant that such functions would be discharged by local officials who held office by virtue of their appointment by the government , and it was widely feared by the opposition that many would use their powers to manipulate the vote in an attempt to secure the return of the DLP .
21 This had indeed been one of the aims of the scientific societies of the seventeenth century , such as the Royal Society ; and it was best realized in the superb plates in the Encyclopèdie of Diderot and d'Alembert which show French manufactures in the middle of the eighteenth century , before the industrial revolution changed techniques .
22 The present whereabouts of Minton 's Jamaican Landscape is unknown and it was probably destroyed .
23 But when we took it over the , one of the first things we did was to redesign the kitchen because the soup was made in these great boiler and it was probably heated up every day of the week and can imagine what it would be like being in prison .
24 The baby was born on July 28th , 1981 , and it was immediately diagnosed that she suffered from Down 's Syndrome and also from a duodenal obstruction .
25 Günter Wand actually conducted the opera 's first performance in Cologne in 1957 , and it was immediately hailed by the critics as one of the most important post-Schoenbergian music theatre pieces of its era .
26 One of the men voiced his somewhat belated fear and it was immediately taken up by others .
27 It was held that the facts did not show any detinue and it was also said that C had done no wrong by not allowing A to enter and remove them .
28 Sewell 's perky and attractive character was always apparent and it was also demonstrated by his two pairs of First Division goals — scored , one may add , at a time when Palace goals were really at a premium .
29 News of the event was widely circulated , as a form of war propaganda , and it was also commemorated in a popular song or poem .
30 Hippocrates was aware of this energy , which he called ‘ Vis Medicatrix Naturae ’ ( The Healing Power of Nature ) , and it was also known to the medieval alchemists as ‘ munia ’ — the Vital Fluid .
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