Example sentences of "and it be [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 And it 's just because we hate it that we 'll beat you .
2 And it 's just as I 've said in local government , er we only get what you 've put in .
3 We 'll come onto this later , later on , but er , it can be shown quite easily , why farm , how farm , why farmers er , behave what you may , from what economic theory would tell you is , is an irrational manner , alright , and it 's simply because they 're trying to minimize their , their risks .
4 We understand why people do n't care for reporting , and it 's often because they 'd rather get on and drill or explore or sort out problems .
5 You 're going up two squares at a time and you 're going one two three and it 's usually when you get to around where I tend to do it is erm sort of eight and ten .
6 It maybe faithful for a long time , perhaps you build up that trust , and it 's only once you 've got beyond that , that you can then begin to actually influence er , negotiate with them .
7 And it 's only if there is no spouse that matters go rather more as might expect , namely firstly always the children or the issue if they are n't any of those to your parents brothers an sis er issue of parents therefore brothers sisters nephews and nieces .
8 If there was somebody dolled up as a copper at the Abbey , you 've got a conspiracy , and it 's only if there was a conspiracy that the Secret Service is really interested , because that means there 's at least one bod floating loose who presumably still wants to kill the President .
9 And it 's only as we fulfil our function with the body .
10 ‘ She 's always talking about going to see her nephew and his children , but she 's never gone and it 's only because she has n't enough money for the ticket . ’
11 And it 's only because you said , previously er , that she was a sort of feminist that when , he said do this do that and she said very frankly to him do you think just because I 'm going to marry you I shall commit ?
12 And it 's only because they have no rights in what they 're negotiating for .
13 It 's the only , and it 's only because , and this is , I mean , having to understand why Government , surely the majority of supporters of the present Government would n't approve of this .
14 It takes a few moments to adjust — one moment one is dry , wearing dry swimming trunks and walking about , and the next one is progressively getting wetter ( including the swimming trunks , which somehow seems particularly inappropriate ) — and it 's only when half a length or so has been swum that the whole thing seems ordinary again .
15 And it stays like that throughout , so the baby does not use its mechanism to control the temperature , it 's kept at that constant degree of warmth and it 's only when the baby comes out that it has to start looking after itself .
16 It 's with an apostrophe is an abbreviation for it is , because you never , and I I think those three little rules there only apply only nouns have an apostrophe , pronouns never have an apostrophe and it 's only nouns ending in s , have an apostrophe and it 's only when they own the thing that follows , except when they , when they do n't end with an s , but you know the exception of men 's , women 's , children 's and sheep .
17 He saw something erm he saw a cat and he zoomed out the front door and he was gone and it 's only when he lost sight of the cat he thought about where he was
18 I mean the textface , which is Nimrod , is a drawing office typeface and a printer 's typeface , and it 's there because , I do n't know , it
19 And it 's more than one teacher , because it 's
20 And it 's more than doubled in Swindon and Gloucester .
21 Other news now , and it 's more than a thousand days since Palestinians in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Gaza strip began the Intifada or uprising which has cost hundreds of Arab lives .
22 And it 's precisely because Hetfield 's gobbing has been taken into the equation , along with every other possible eventuality , that makes the truth of Metallica 's latest swagger towards that Biggest Band In The Known Universe mantle all the more remarkable : for this is fabulous , vital entertainment , far more than stage-managed hyperdrome extravaganzas ever deserve to be .
23 Pressing on OK shows the resulting bullet chart in the Slide Editor and it is here where you can change the bullet attributes if required
24 The question Brenton appears to be asking , and it is surely as relevant to himself as to his characters , is how do you live after faith and hope have gone ?
25 Because the procedure can not apply to development already started and it is generally as quick to apply for actual permission if the planning authority 's officer advises that it is necessary , this does not get as much use as might be expected .
26 And it is still if , not when though in this article I am assuming a working Tory majority in the Commons rather than a hung Parliament , which would change everything .
27 To understand the world one is in is to understand where it came from , and how it came ; and it is only because it is understood , or thought to be , that one can aspire to change it .
28 We must admit that it looks to us like a very good match , and it is only because she is marrying Steven that she has such an idealized view of what men and marriage are really like .
29 We have been trying for years , centuries , to establish this and it is only because of help from outside that we have been able to do it now .
30 The fragmented narrative cultivated by Vargas Llosa , for example , is intended to replicate the way in which we experience real life , in that events and information are presented to us in a disjointed fashion and it is only when we have lived through the reading experience that we are able to piece it all together with the benefit of hindsight .
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