Example sentences of "and it [verb] [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Only wych elm grew in the wood and it burned for me quite well when dry .
2 This is the showstopper : only 9.1 alcohol but a massive 287g of residual sugar , and it feels like it — incredible colour with an amazingly pungent nose-tickling scent , with hints of candied citrus fruit and butter .
3 It 's HVS in summer and it feels like it in winter , too , as I shiver upwards to join Steve at the stance : a misnomer if ever there was one — just room enough for four front points on an edge .
4 At this point the Jews were being deconcentrated , were being channelled back into society , and it fell to us to help dismantle and disperse the ghettos , where the light was always failing and where the children all looked so old and full of knowledge , and everybody moved much too slowly or much too fast .
5 This she loved , and it led to her , Dad and Shadwell going to dinners and parties with all kinds of ( fairly ) important people — not the sort we knew in the suburbs , but the real thing : people who really did write and direct plays and not just talk about it .
6 It was none of her business and it mattered to her not one iota .
7 Gazzer felt closer to Marie now than he had ever done before , and it mattered to him very much that she should take him seriously .
8 I can set this cruise control to any speed I want and it drives without me having to touch the accelerator .
9 And he bou he bought me this top and he bought me a , a polo neck and bought me a C D and then we went out to supper and then we went to a pub and everything and erm , you know , had a really decent conversation with him and just talking to him makes me think , you know , and it dawns on me that he 's just a big he 's just a big child and he 's not , he 's never grown , he 's not , you 're not gon na grow up .
10 Spend two days in tour fatigues with this new , arena-compatible Nirvana production machine — ‘ I do n't know the names of most of the crew , ’ admits Dave — and it dawns on you that the overriding issue here is not that Kurt Cobain is on heroin ( or is n't , or was , or is and is trying to get off ) but that his wife is a Grade A pain in the arse .
11 It was thick and heavy and very large across his narrow shoulders , but it was the finest jacket Frankie had ever seen , and it belonged to him .
12 ‘ Well they were townies you know , ’ she finally says , ‘ and it looked to me that when townies hung out together they all dressed the same , did the same things , went to the same places and I was really different .
13 The big grey monster sat in front of me and it looked at me .
14 He goes well I was playing with your chicken like this and it spat at me , so I bit its head off , clamped its eggs and set fire to its nest !
15 ‘ I think you get a reputation and it goes before you .
16 so erm , and it said to me , erm , say after the beep , and I did n't understand quite where the beep was , right .
17 For some strange reason the image of the corpse of Nicola Sharpe floated up in his mind , and it brought with it a breath of foreboding , a sense that he was in the presence of evil .
18 Doctors say too many teenagers adopt an unhealthy lifestyle and it stays with them .
19 When I took on the marine operations every ship had a fiftyfour man crew and it seemed to me that this was inefficient , so I did a trip on a ship and I came back quite convinced you could actually run a ship with twenty-one men .
20 Whatever the cause , she answered his questions evasively and it seemed to me that she was making an impression she did not deserve .
21 Conversation was lagging , and it seemed to me that Mrs McLaren was tiring and might lose confidence .
22 I had n't met Filmer 's eyes all day ; had been careful not to ; and it seemed to me that his attention had been exclusively focused upon what he had now achieved , a visiting-terms acquaintanceship with Mercer Lorrimore .
23 I tried to remember what my sister Mary had said about ignoring old wives ' tales and I tried to put them from my mind , but after that I often caught myself glancing at Granny 's picture and it seemed to me that her black eyes came alive and followed me round the room .
24 Now at that time the Scottish National Party was the only other party in Scotland advocating what we were advocating ( though obviously going much further ) and it seemed to me crazy to be competing with them for devolutionary votes .
25 Every evening my mother would come home from work , tired , and it seemed to me that she was only interested in her job or , more specifically , the personal affairs of her colleagues .
26 It was not just that he had gone off with someone else but he had actually gone off with a woman and it seemed to me like a betrayal of my identity .
27 At this time ( the late 1970s ) , I was teaching courses in the sociology of deviance to degree and social work students , and it seemed to me that certain key ideas and insights from this work could usefully be applied to the study of child abuse .
28 Moreover she breathed out power also ; one felt it in the air as one feels a thunderstorm before it breaks , and it seemed to me that this power was not quite human , that it drew its strength from afar and dwelt a stranger to the earth .
29 They would have to disclose all memoranda , manuscripts and correspondence relating to the transaction , and it seemed to me almost inconceivable that this disclosure could enable the culprit still to be concealed from exposure .
30 Thus glycoproteins function as cellular recognition molecules , and it seemed to me that if synapses , which are par excellence recognition and attachment points between cells , were going to be modified by training , then glycoproteins would be involved .
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