Example sentences of "and if it [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Summer gales were rarely of long duration in our experience , and if it blew really hard we used to snug down in the lee of one of the many anchorages and take to the hills for a change .
2 Look for any safety warnings and if it says NOT SUITABLE it means what it says .
3 For two hours our own guns have been bombarding us , and if it goes on I shall take my company and bombard the gunner with these grenades ! ’
4 She could hear Mary Deare droning on : ‘ Her light is going faint , and if it goes out that means she is dead .
5 And if it goes down another one ?
6 Such negative marketing does more harm than good to our credibility , and if it happens again next year , we will not attend .
7 They 're obviously going into a difficult area and if it breaks out into open conflict , there will be slight risk , but at the moment it 's fairly routine for us .
8 ‘ We now have this ludicrous situation where if a fire broke out in one end of a particular street in Prestatyn , Rhyl fire engines will go to it and if it breaks out in the other end of the street Prestatyn will go to it , ’ added Coun Edwards .
9 We can only do what we do and if it rubs off , then fine .
10 And if it turns out that the right mood has arrived at last , there are plenty of ideas waiting for attention .
11 The creature was right below her , and if it looked up
12 The picture quality of the system is said to be better than VHS and if it catches on then in future all CD machines may be build with decoders already inside , making the CD the most versatile medium for home entertainment .
13 Britain 's first self-adhesive stamp is undergoing trials in the North East , and if it catches on , sticky stamps will go on general sale next summer .
14 They were bare and shabby and if it had not been for the pretty yellow cloths she had made for the tables and the yellow and orange cushions she had covered for the chairs and the blue vase full of roses she had asked Maria to place on the chest of drawers , then they would have been dismal indeed .
15 The unlucky 4–0 defeat at home to Alborne showed great promise for the future and if it had not been a mathematical impossibility since the beginning of October , I would have said that playing like that we should still be promotion contenders .
16 The whole room , scented with the Christmas goose , seemed to glimmer with warmth and merriment and if it had not been for fear of distressing the children , Alexandra would have been happy to burst into tears .
17 And if it had not been for the speedy response of the coastguard , the boys would have found themselves out in the open sea .
18 Jack always saw Piggy as a burden and if it had not been for Piggy 's spectacles Piggy would have been even more hated by Jack .
19 The true reason was that I want nothing to do with that country while it remains as it is , and if it had n't been for Jean-Paul I 'd have ceased all our operations out there years ago . ’
20 Behind his scowling manner was a kindly old man and if it had n't been for the arrival of a rather insipid little boy , she might never have known , nor might anyone else for that matter .
21 It was in Schiaparelli that she met Tricarico , who brought her aboard the Resplendent Trogon , which led her into the presence of Balthazar Plum — and if it had n't been for all that , she would never have acquired the Alice in the first place .
22 ‘ I 'm not a particularly patient man , and the thought of lying flat on my back for weeks made me feel almost suicidal , and if it had n't been for your parents — well , suffice to say that they were marvellous — ’
23 But mostly I remember the fishing and if it had n't been for having to carry a gas mask , go without sweets and put up with loud bangs in the middle of the night , I would hardly have known a war was going on .
24 ‘ I saw exactly what he did and if it had n't been for Stuart those thieves would have got away .
25 Sarella felt Peter 's grip tighten protectively , and if it had n't she was positive she would have crumpled under this attack .
26 He really was the most annoying , irritating man she had ever met , and if it had n't been for the fact that she knew he would carry out his threat and have her sacked she would have refused point-blank to go tonight .
27 and if it had n't been for him I would n't have them ,
28 On the other hand , if the division executives do not comply ; headquarters will think they are recalcitrant , and if it continues long enough , disloyal .
29 And if it does not do that , we 've all been wasting our time .
30 Again , if the company is listed , it will be subject to additional duties to keep its security holders and , indeed the public , informed of all major developments and if it does not The Exchange may publish the information .
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