Example sentences of "and if [pron] [verb] not " in BNC.

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1 And if something does n't taste like wine , I for one do n't want to waste my time trying to pretend it does .
2 each has a separate thumbnail file , and if one does not exist for any given image , PhotoFinish creates one .
3 Moreover , my main objection to Mr Graham 's analogy was the implication that this ‘ dignity ’ was something one possessed or did not by a fluke of nature ; and if one did not self-evidently have it , to strive after it would be as futile as an ugly woman trying to make herself beautiful .
4 At Liz 's party , last night , there had been bosses : Charles himself was an archetypal boss , and if one did n't know Liz so well one might think she was one too .
5 Then — ‘ And if they had n't come ? ’ the engineer said .
6 As the shop manager pointed out , it was the third time that month she 'd been late for work , and if they had n't needed her to turn up on time , they would n't have hired her in the first place .
7 The rest have been ‘ screened out ’ — denied refugee status — and if they choose not to return to Viet Nam under a ‘ voluntary repatriation program ’ they may face indefinite detention in Hong Kong , or an increasing threat of forcible return to Viet Nam .
8 But it is nice if they are asked , sometimes it 's sometimes they are just expected to do and if they have n't been officially asked .
9 And if they have n't ? ’
10 And if and if they have n't got any treasure , then we provide them with it ,
11 Now nobody 's done it , now we 've got two people in our area and one packing line , so I suggest we get them three together now and sort it out as to who done it and if they have n't done it and then wait while the three o'clock mane comes on , see if he 's done it .
12 So we we well all I suggest is we get the three together after the meeting , John and our two men and say , well look , who 's done it and if they have n't , see the other man when he comes on .
13 walk into Smith 's and ask for Art and Craft April edition publication and if they have n't got any spares they will order you one I expect
14 And if they have n't got side side one tape two following I mean side two side , tape two side A following tape one side B , it puts them out a bit I should think are you going up the dog path ?
15 I look for the dog or the jogging suit and if they have n't got a dog or a jogging suit I think what are they up to ?
16 The memories I like to remember is er when things have worked out for children and they 've gone back home and if they have n't gone back home , then they 've moved on er to nice adoptive families .
17 The time taken for them to enter the dark box is noted , and if they have not done so by the end of a fixed time , say one minute , the experiment is terminated .
18 It will be necessary to confirm that all restrictions have been observed and if they have not been observed , to confirm that consent to vary or discharge them has been forthcoming .
19 They do not for the most part take a position like that of Boas and Evans-Pritchard which rejects the very notion that there are general laws governing human history ; and if they do not , it would seem that they too are driving , however cautiously , towards an understanding of human history in general , in other words toward a theory of human evolution .
20 But , outclassed and outnumbered , most will be destroyed as soon as they take to the air ; and if they do not take to the air they do not matter .
21 The lenders of money have an obligation to lend prudently and if they do not check the creditworthiness of the borrower I think the debt should not be enforceable .
22 Henry H noted threateningly at the end of a letter of command addressed to one of his prévôts : ‘ If you do not do this , William of Vernone or his servants will do it ; and if they do not do it , my justice shall do it . ’
23 If capitalist enterprises see the prospect of adequate profits then they will borrow investment funds without any government having to insist , and if they do not see investment as profitable then it is useless to try to force them .
24 They know what to write and how to write , and if they do not they will be out the front door before they can pick up their hats and coats .
25 Arthur Young in 1795 , pointing out in a year of extreme hunger that it was against the law to starve in England , included in his argument : " Parish officers are bound to provide … and if they do not do their duty , there is an appeal to the justice , who will force them to its performance . "
26 He wants to be where the people are , and if they do not venture to town to visit the Tate or Walker , he 'll bring art to them .
27 They will wither at the first frosts anyway , if they come ; and if they do n't
28 And if they do n't , somehow or other you have to develop that confidence for yourself .
29 He takes it slowly , lets everyone have his say , and if they do n't agree he does n't mind calling an extra meeting to come back to it .
30 And if they do n't , he resolved silently , I will .
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