Example sentences of "and if [pron] could [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And if one could even name it , its name would only ever be understood by very few persons .
2 If pleasure could be everlasting and if one could always stay young then his retreat would be a beautiful and convincing one but as this world is governed by realities and not the imagination of the individual , momentary escapism is all that Marlowe 's poem can offer .
3 Boys , he said , needed ‘ excitement ’ , and if they could not get it by legitimate ways then they would ‘ seek it in mischief and vice ’ .
4 And when they died and the fleas had finished feasting on their blood , which was by then putrid and crawling with the bacilli , the fleas looked round for another host , and if they could not find another rat , or any small hairy creature to their liking , they settled for the next best thing , which was usually human .
5 He had stood it until his heart bade fair to burst with longing , and if they could not cross the river , then he must go to them .
6 Draftsmen often use the word " independent " , as in phrases like " an independent valuer " or " an independent accountant " : the latter is used in the precedents in Appendix A. Sometimes this wording seems to have been intended to draw a distinction between expert determination and arbitration , as in the clause in the lease which was disputed in North Eastern Cooperative Society Ltd v Newcastle Upon Tyne City Council [ 1987 ] 1 EGLR 142 , where the parties were supposed to agree on " an independent surveyor " , and if they could not agree , the RICS was to appoint an arbitrator .
7 And if they could n't find them there they had a number of informers in the .
8 I told them I had no intention of budging an inch from this place , and if they could n't be civil they could both keep away .
9 and if they could n't accept him then
10 Dorrainge said that at any minute Cathbad would start talking about holding a pig-sticking party , and Cathbad , who was plunging about happily in the wild sorrel , said , ‘ And if we could only hold a pig-sticking party …
11 Each horse had his own harness ; and if it could n't be spared to be sent down to the shop for repair , the horseman brought it himself , got it seen to and took it back ready for work on the next day .
12 Peace was clearly desired , and if it could not be arranged on these agreed terms , it must be found by other means .
13 And if I could n't make away with myself , how could the malais make away with a whole nation ?
14 It would be so much easier Elsie if there was not this huge amount of land separating us and if I could just talk to you for a little while face to face .
15 Special circumstances are required to justify the er proposing the new settlement through the local plan structure planning process , and I believe that is exactly what has occurred over the last five years , and if I could just quickly run through paragraph thirty three of P P G three , and the your invitation for us to comment on the criteria set out there , first of all the first element , the ex the alternative must be erm seen to be a less satisfactory method of providing land for the new housing that is needed , that is the essence of what has occurred in the process which the County Council has undertaken over the last couple of years , all of the policy options available have been examined in great detail , have been subject to public consultation , public participation , d I believe clear view was that there were erm constraints operating on York which meant that not all of that additional development accommodated in the adjacent to the existing er York city villages surrounding York .
16 Thank you Chair , er , obviously this comes at the end of er , of er , a series of reports where we 've put back additional or complementary revenues and the last item , number T , talked about a twenty thousand capital contribution , er , the budget will bring all this together , and if I could just add one erm , update on the first page , where paragraph three , and talk about the provision resource allocation to this Committee being a reduction of fifty thousand from the community based budget .
17 Erm we set up I think a very successful service and if I could just mention a sad note here , me some members will know who was the county occupational therapy coordinator largely designed the service here and I 'm very sorry to say that er she died the other day but her service is very much a tribute to her and we do in fact have a large number of people who will want to come and work for us as OTs because it is a good service and I 'm sure that you will agree with that .
18 It 's always the programmer — it 's very , very seldom the computer — and if I could just go on for a minute , I feel it 's essential that young children , particularly in the primary schools , get used to using hardware and programing , so that they will see the computer as part of their normal lives , like reading and writing and anything else they use .
19 And if I could only reach inside the back pocket of my jeans , I 'd show you the paperwork to prove it . ’
20 And if he could n't make love to his wife because she was paralysed from the waist down … ’
21 As Dawn had said , she , Sophie , went with the practice , and if he could n't have the one than he would n't want the other .
22 And if he could not find the Dwarves , then he was going to Sgurr Dearg and home .
23 They heard from two different witnesses how Harris had told how he could not live without her and if he could not have Faye , then no one else could .
24 Working out the visibility was easier as we did have guidelines here — a tree on the other side of the airfield was at 1,000 yards , a distant farmhouse 2 miles , and if you could n't see the briefing room it was foggy .
25 And he used to sort of ask you questions you know , sort of sit there and pick on you and if he knew you did n't have the faintest idea what he was going on about he 'd ask you all the more , see , and if you could n't answer it , he used to come up to you , look at you , would n't say nothing , give you this funny look and tell you to get in the next room .
26 They called it ‘ lying in ’ — and if you could n't actually ‘ lie ’ all the time , people around you made quite sure you took it very easy indeed .
27 After all , he explained , politics was n't everything — what about drink , for instance ? — and if you could n't be trusted to call properly when you were playing tennis , who would want to play with you ?
28 Right , we 'll do the register now please and if you could just erm tell me the
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