Example sentences of "and would only [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He leads his country out for a world-record 36th time and would only continue at the top if the Springboks win .
2 She thought it was limited to securing £60,000 and would only continue in force for a few weeks .
3 The two companies would keep separate identities and would only cooperate on the one service .
4 At first Shamdev cowered from people and would only play with dogs .
5 As a detailed opinion poll conducted in May showed , there was considerable support for the general aims of the strikers — better security and majority-rule devolved government — but there was also a strong sense that the strike was ill advised and would only play into the hands of republicans .
6 Nzo had said on the ANC 's 78th anniversary on Jan. 8 that the ANC would continue its armed struggle , and would only participate in any process of negotiations if it enjoyed equal political opportunities with all other participants .
7 According to Letourneau , the Vietnamese looked on concessions as weakness and would only ask for more .
8 The Ministry of Defence objected on three grounds : the increase in nuclear missiles available to the West was operationally unnecessary and would only add to the existing nuclear overkill ; mixed manning was a formula for military disaster ; and the cost of the British share would have to come out of the already overstretched Defence budget .
9 Why should the fact that D was engaged on causing damage to property at the time ( even damage to D's own property ) make his conduct into an offence punishable with life imprisonment when , if D were engaged on some other activity , it would not be punishable as such and would only amount to manslaughter if a death happened to be caused ?
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