Example sentences of "and as she [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And as she saw she heard it — a strange , persistent snuffling .
2 Then Carrie jumped aside as a passing bus threw up some slush from the gutter , and as she brushed her hands down over the bottom of her coat , she said , ‘ You 'd think they did it on purpose , ’ and as he went to assist her she stayed his hands , saying , ‘ It 'll only make it worse .
3 ‘ You 're in here , ’ Ven remarked , taking up her case and heading for the door on the left of the French windows — and as she followed him into a pleasant bedroom , ‘ With luck , by the time you 've unpacked , the waiter will be here with some tea . ’
4 Steve Sutcliffe , of Chester city council 's policy unit , said : ‘ She will become the oldest female Freeman and as she feels she can not attend a service later this month , we have staged this special ceremony for her . ’
5 His impulsive gesture caused Lucy 's heart to skip several beats , and as she dragged her eyes from his hypnotic hold she became aware that , while Matt was grinning , Doreen looked anything but pleased .
6 A pair of keen black eyes burned fiercely in their sunken sockets , and as she met their sardonic gaze she drew back and would have fled , had not the servant been close behind her .
7 He stared at her and as she met his shocked gaze she felt tears squeeze out over her lashes with hot , blinding intensity .
8 She was wearing trousers and as she kept her feet on the ground she felt reasonably secure , at least ; she kept her toes on the ground and spent a rather hilarious time trying to get control of it in the courtyard , her attempts bringing Marguerite out with words of advice and wide smiles .
9 He wakes her gently , and as she opens her eyes , he says to her .
10 It was that same song from the Dietrich film she had watched at Rocamar , and as she sang she found new depths in the words .
11 But the more she thought of Silas 's kisses the more infuriated she became , and as she recalled her own response her fury turned to bitter humiliation .
12 She made a little rite of soaking her feet in a corn cure called ‘ Reudel ’ , and as she lowered her feet into the bowl of steaming water there was again that little look , that narrowing of the eyes and pursing of the lips , which said so much with so little disturbance of her features .
13 The grazie that escaped from her was barely audible and as she lowered her eyes in what appeared to be a motion of submission Sandison suddenly felt small and mean and condescending .
14 ‘ Aye — ’ she rose from the chair , went to a basket at the side of the hearth and , taking up a log , she almost flung it on the fire , and as she dusted her hands she ended , ‘ that 's what she tells me .
15 And as she played she sang in a high contralto .
16 Although the PM had only recently arrived in Downing Street , she had already boned up on its history and as she led us round she spoke of Pitt and Walpole , Disraeli and Gladstone , and of their connection with this tapestry or picture or that room .
17 And as she ran her voice hissed from her , heavy with anxiety and pain .
18 Then one morning on her way to work she was distracted by a commotion across the street and as she crossed she saw the owner of the hand being thrown out of a shop .
19 Ahead of her was a large crowd and as she addressed them she hoisted her skirt up high .
20 Mildred began to cry , and as she lifted her hand to wipe away the tears she watched with horrified fascination as the reflection did the same .
21 Among the latter was a letter for Silas , and as she lifted it she caught the faintest hint of perfume .
22 But he managed to catch one of Blanche 's flying feet and as she fell her skull caught a glancing blow from a table .
23 It was like a pit , and as she fell she clutched at a hand , but the hand turned into a foot and the foot kicked her .
24 And as she fell she sensed him plunge to meet her like a meteor on fire , heard the sound he made against her sundered throat .
25 As she reached the gate at the farther edge she could see right under the low bridge — and as she looked she saw the van turn the bend at the top of the short hill leading to the bridge , and increase speed down it .
26 A woman in the audience/church left in the middle of the performance/wedding and as she left she trod on the foot of the man at the end of the row .
27 She felt his fingers hook into either side of her panties , and as she felt him pull them down her body she closed her eyes .
28 And as she hurt him , he had hurt her back and she seemed driven to frenzy .
29 Once in position , the male begins to nudge her and as she lays her adhesive eggs , he fertilizes them .
30 And as she stirred her cup of tea , and sipped it , she lost track of the conversation entirely , so engrossed was she in the visual aspect of the scene presented to her : she did not know where first to look , so dazzling and amazing were the objects and vistas and arrangements before her .
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