Example sentences of "and as the [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 These are already helping us to give a better service to our customers and as the systems develop they will allow us to have a more pro-active role in service .
2 Both are harmless to the birds and fall off with weathering and as the ducks moult their feathers .
3 An alternative suggests that as the English made the return crossing , the bridge became overloaded , and as the barges sank many were drowned .
4 Indeed , immediately the election was over — and as the nationalists planned a campaign of civil disobedience — Scottish Tory ministers seemed to acknowledge as much , recognising that the tough ‘ no compromise ’ stance needed modification if mounting resentment was not to explode into violent disorder .
5 And as the lights came up , she 'd sit down again and let the thing creep back up through her bones where it belonged .
6 And the , the pressure for change builds up and as the changes begin to happen , new values , new attitudes become dominant which in turn affects how people see things so they become interested in yet greater changes .
7 He was standing well apart from them as he gave Joe and his mother the details , and as the tears rolled down his cheeks Joe sensed a great loneliness in his cousin that seemed to link up with a similar feeling within himself , and he was drawn to Martin to put his arms about him , and when their faces touched both were wet .
8 And Clara , walking by her side and hearing these words , burst suddenly and at last into loud hysterical weeping , and as the tears flooded down her hot cheeks she knew that they were not for her father , but for the meanness and the lack of love , and for the fear that she would die in so ugly a hole , and so unloved .
9 Gradually a mixed bag of cossacks , exiles and peasants settled the area , and as the natives became pacified so the military flavour declined .
10 With a mile to run the King 's colt Anmer was struggling to stay with the pace and started to drop back , and as the runners came down the hill Aboyeur was three lengths to the good , with Craganour , Day Comet , Shogun and Louvois best of the rest .
11 I want to see er the this rubbish dump but this is n't the time to do it and as the Conservatives said , we should wait on er to see what the Council er wants to do and I take that on board .
12 Johnson returned , and as the ladies left the table , Johnson , a man who ‘ insisted that politeness was of great consequence in society ’ , stood .
13 So , of course , what happened was that you had all these wonderful posters about you as you walked in the foyer and as the punters came out drunk , you sold them weekends in Ibiza .
14 Richards used his feet vigorously in a ruck and as the locals took exception he was punched on the jaw .
15 They can travel easily in silty water only a metre or so deep , and as the waters recede they can remember the way back to the river bed along deep channels .
16 The book begins to date immediately as new drugs come out and as the authorities amend the list of banned substances from time to time .
17 She talked with him for nearly ten minutes , and as the officers drew her away , Walford snatched her hand and kissed it , ‘ some tears for the first time rolling down his cheeks ’ .
18 As it was , with two glasses of champagne inside her , and as the mannequins displayed the latest fashions from Paris and London , she felt she was once more in heaven , even more so two hours or so later as Mr O'Hara 's chief assistants wrapped up the final choices : dresses , gowns and lingerie made of georgette , and flowered taffetas , moires , silks and satins , subtle lamés , artificial marocain and crêpe de Chine , in colours of white or pastel blue , cerise , pearl-grey , oyster and of course rose-opaline .
19 Thus even the earliest and most modest collection of phrase structure rules would have been pregnant with new output ; and as the rules became entrenched so too would innovative effort and diagnostic insight become more relaxed and automatic , as words appeared newly combined in well-understood syntactic contexts .
20 The core issue really is the control of natural resources and as the resources become scarcer , then there 's a greater possibility for conflict .
21 And as the particles go round and round this racetrack , it 's a bit like a car with its headlights going on , and as it goes faster and faster the car headlights more or less catch up with each other , you see what I 'm saying .
22 The cell door opened , and as the visitors left , Fagin started struggling and fighting with his guards , screaming so loudly that the prison walls rang with the sound .
23 Now he had drawn level with the fire , and as the villagers caught the air of his song he was quickly rewarded with the sound of their voices — men , women and children — lifted in unison .
24 ‘ We were playing a percentage game and as the points came so we expanded .
25 Some ( or all ) of the materials of the mantle melted and as the temperatures rose the upper boundary of the partially melted material also rose , and by about 3800 Ma ago was sufficiently shallow to provide surface lava through the mare basins which were weak points in the crust .
26 He could sense that there was no harm in the Sweeper , and as the days went by and still Minch did not come back , he seemed to sense too that the Sweeper cared and was on his side in wishing for her safe return .
27 Given the right conditions the growth of the foliage will be quite fast and as the days get longer the flower buds will start to appear .
28 The promised allowance to cover extra heating and lighting was not forthcoming , and as the days lengthened and winter approached there was understandable bad feeling between landladies and their reluctant lodgers .
29 These however , were summer hours , and as the days shortened into winter with lighting not practicable for the surface sheds and floors — no work was done before or after daylight .
30 Their one common denominator is tap , and as the lessons go by we are drawn into their lives , finally sharing with them the triumph of their first public performance !
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