Example sentences of "and as [pron] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 He calls Mr Forsyth a ‘ clever wee chiel ’ ( child ) , and as one raised in a hard debating school says he would relish a public debate with the Scottish Office Minister and the other candidates .
2 They went for long rambles around the hills which overlook Balmoral and as they lay in the heather he read out passages from books by the Swiss psychiatrist , Carl Jung , or Laurens van der Post .
3 ‘ Oh , Christ , ’ he said again , for he was an Australian with a hangover and he shared a quarter tonner named Mrs Mangel with four other Australians with four other hangovers , and as they stirred in their sleeping bags in the morning they looked like five blind underground creatures disturbed by David Attenborough .
4 Mary McCulloch and big Mary went straight along to the Duke 's house with their loads of food and as they went in the Duke came out , dressed in a long plaid of turquoise blue , and had a quick low word with them .
5 BR could not avoid passing its dramatically increased costs following the oil crisis on to its customers , especially London commuters , and as they reduced in number ( demand falling at 1 per cent a year ) services , stock and facilities were reduced to ‘ match demand ’ , inevitably causing poor morale .
6 Then one of the machine-guns opened up , hurling five or six of the prisoners against the wall , flinging their limbs around as if they were scarecrows and as they fell in a heap that was what they were .
7 It appeared that school was giving both urban and rural children something akin to Western self-consciousness for they could answer questions implying a personal point of view ; and as they advanced in school they became increasingly capable of categorising the same stimuli according to different criteria or ‘ points of view ’ .
8 Hospital Trusts appear to have the freedom to choose what they provide , and as they increase in number and DHA provision declines , it is possible that long-stay care will become a residual service , separated from profit-making , ‘ attractive ’ services .
9 The small animals ( invertebrate and vertebrate ) reproduce quickly when the going is good ; and as they multiply in spring , the resident carnivores ( Arctic fox , snowy owl and rough-legged buzzard ) flourish too .
10 And as we saw in our review of the history of delinquency , this has been the case throughout this century .
11 There are still problems to iron out , and as we saw in the passage by Ross , there are still inconsistencies .
12 At the same time , and as we saw in section 5.1 , the regulations increased the range and number of bills which institutions could offer for discount at the Bank by recognising as ‘ eligible ’ bills commercial bills accepted by certain leading banks .
13 It will be amazing if this government runs the full course and as we saw in nineteen nineties the Tories just love leadership elections putting the knife in .
14 The Chairman will make sure that it stays going in that direction and everybody works together rather than against each other so you got a high score there you know and as we saw in the you might not think you 've got those Chairman 's skills but then what you did in the group where you were quite a central part of what was going on perhaps indicates that these can be developed .
15 Accounts given by individuals are inevitably selective in content and emphasis , and as we noted in Chapter 3 , the attribution of change to particular policies or causal factors is always difficult .
16 Commitment offering oneself to the lord in the service of the church and the world is the third and quite prominent element in the service of confirmation as we have it , and as we say in a day when emphasis is being laid on the ministry of the whole people of God there is surely value in a definite act of commitment on a definite day .
17 It 's as if the name were waiting for the man , and for the novel which will transpersonalize or socialize the murderous concept : ‘ social unsteadiness , as Shatov says ’ and as we read in the Possessed notebooks .
18 As Box reminds us , and as we discussed in Chapter Five , the arrest rate is higher for young blacks ( Stevens and Willis 1979 ) and these can not be accounted for entirely by differences in criminal activity .
19 And you used to er stand this on a house brick , like it might be on there , and you had another long stick and you use to hit it on one end and as it flew in the air you see it used to fly up then you used to have to hit it as far as you
20 Later on that day I was sent into the Corporals ' quarters with a mop and bucket and as I went in a Corporal came out buttoning his flies .
21 One chair at the bottom of the table was empty , and as I came in Dr Barton , with hardly more than a nod in my direction , indicated the chair and said sternly , ‘ You may sit , Doctor Masters , while we ask you a few questions . ’
22 ‘ One night after a gig in Whelans , I went down to The Nightrain and as I came in the door I heard this note-perfect rock music , ’ he says .
23 Very pleased to have yours and as I said in my last it 's your money , God has been very kind to you and you must n't fly up in the face of his kindness and I wish you had not taken this step , your Uncle Steve says property 's more trouble than it 's worth .
24 That more exact calculation has , I think , met with general approval and as I said in my statement about our proposal for council tax benefit in a written answer on 28 November , we intend to maintain that closer alignment in the wake of the changes in local taxation that are intended to take effect in April 1993 .
25 or any other type of office development except that which is and as I said in response to the point Professor Lock was making , it does not include town centre type
26 Notts in this first half are going to be as they like to be , attacking the Kop end , a Kop end which is utterly deserted because Pisa have n't brought any fans with them but they 've brought a very large following of journalists , and as I said in the initial two-way with Martin , there has been a language barrier between them and me , but when they pointed to the weather and all shivered together , I knew precisely what they meant .
27 And as I got in here I saw that one of the men sitting just where you are was Hal MacQuillan .
28 However , I said I would try so I put on my best uniform , nicely pressed , and as I paraded in front of him I said I had turned up the hem of my skirt and did he think it was too short ?
29 And as I appeared in the entrance I was suddenly conscious that I was the centre of attention .
30 I almost floated to the car and as I settled in my seat Beamish put his face to the open window .
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