Example sentences of "and we [verb] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I know it is n't easy but erm I think we should you know , try and we advertise starting at eight o'clock and very often there 's only Alan and I here at eight .
2 And we got done for conspiracy to cause GBH .
3 And er we had to walk to Long Eaton three times and week , which would be , from here , would be two and a half mile away , and then we 'd we er on the Friday It was Mondays , Wednesdays and and Fridays , and we got paid on the Friday .
4 He come at me and he was six foot two and he come he were gon na knock hell out of me so I had to protect myself and we got fighting in the shop .
5 I was keeping a glass of chablis company the other day with Jonathan Hayden and Fiona Brownlee from Pavilion Books , and we got talking about what might have happened in grown-up life to the heroes and heroines of the children 's books of our youth .
6 Marty and Jean who ran Granny Takes A Trip were mates of Malcolm 's and they all used to meet up after work in the pub Sometimes Nick would be there too and we got talking to him .
7 So Wendy came on the Wednesday and we got going with all the office work here .
8 We never have and never will — and we hate riding in limos .
9 We hope we will continue to deserve your attention and we wish to subscribe to your monthly New Internationalist magazine for a year .
10 We had a 3.15 PM start , and we 'd only played one hole when the end of the world looked as though it had come and we had to shelter in the R&A tent .
11 No Met nor Notam information was displayed , and we had to ask for the Met before filing our flight-plan to Santiago .
12 In the second half we saw little ball and we had to defend for our lives .
13 Then the show ended and we had to return to America and I thought that was that — good friends , really talented , I 'd grown to really like David 's music .
14 We particularly remember our friendly old tortoise who had a passion for toes , and we had to sit with our feet in cardboard boxes so we did n't have nibbled digits !
15 Years ago we stored water in a big cream pot but that came to grief during a hard frost and we had to resort on one occasion to a possing tub — that is a fluted tub made from galvanized metal which was common to most households before washing machines — which , of course , had to be used for soaking the dirty clothes on washing day .
16 Annoyingly , youngsters were playing games in the lifts , and we had to resort to the stairs .
17 She 'd never seen either of us in a suit before — we were running them in , checking for labels we 'd missed and so on — and we had stood on her doorstep as if we were about to launch into the ‘ Have you heard the Good News … ’ routine .
18 Where we lived was n't much of a place — there were fourteen families in the one house and as mother 's eyes got worse , less work came in and we had to move into smaller and smaller rooms .
19 ‘ The Americans always have a tendency to bolt off the blocks , and we had to go with them .
20 That 's when the sirens went and we had to go to the shelter .
21 And we had to go to France then .
22 So , because we were in the A A he said you could have a ba , and we had to go to court , we had a summons for court , for careless driving , your dad and your dad said oh so A A said you could have barrister , or our insurers said we could have a barrister our insurers , not the one with we 're with now Norman , he was to do all the , said we could have this barrister and it was at Liverpool Crown Court and , it was n't till a , and I was alright we we just got a bit of a shock , you know , we could drive the home it was the wing and what not .
23 And we had to go from one pub to the other to look for him .
24 And we had to go in N R E fe fatigues .
25 So , no sooner did the record go into the charts and we were going ‘ yeah , this is it — hooray — we 're taking off ’ , they dropped the record and we had to wait for the guys to come back to earth .
26 But all the local ambulances were busy and we had to wait for one to come from Richmond , which is many miles away .
27 His one break from bop conventions lay in the pacing of each set , since he favoured fast tempi almost exclusively , and we had to wait for the penultimate tune of the night to hear a ballad played at real ballad speed .
28 We needed to be persuaded of the case and we had gone through the BR figures line by line .
29 Access is restricted to permit holders and we had booked in advance .
30 We did ask his surname and he said it was too difficult , and we had to stick to Nassim .
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