Example sentences of "and we [vb mod] [vb infin] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Er simply in terms of the impact , there is a lot more work to be done on that and we would do that in t in developing the scheme and bringing it forward to the next stage , to mitigate the adverse effects er that come about as a result of er construction of new roads .
2 If at the end of three months you decide that this is too elaborate for you or you 'd like to , if you need to see a week at a glance , er , you just call my office , send back the pages you have n't used , and we would exchange those er , for the equivalent in a different format .
3 The highest type of firework last year if it was specified was the sparkler remarkably enough and we would make this point very seriously that parents tend to give children sm very small children sparklers and they must remember tha that these things are fireworks they are dangerous they do get red hot er they must supervise them at all times when they give them sparklers cos they may wave them around they may se set somebody else 's clothing on fire with them they may get the sparks in their eyes if they get too close to them er and one particular danger of course is that they they may get hold of en the hot end when the firework has finally extinguished and they think it 's all finished with .
4 She would go to the far side and we would watch each other .
5 At the back of the stalls there were radiators which had plush curtains and we would shove these cakes and sandwiches under the radiators , and the next time somebody ordered a ‘ cinema tea ’ we would go to the kitchen and order a pot .
6 Still , he and we would welcome some more real volunteers .
7 The outcome of perhaps three days ' work is often no more than ten points on a flip chart , and we would consider that a good rate of striking .
8 The report goes on to say : ‘ Many professionals advise giving vitamin drops from the age of one month and we would support this practice , particularly if there is any doubt whatsoever about the vitamin intake at this time ’ .
9 Spokesman Tony Ward said the BAF were ‘ sad for Jason Livingston , ’ but added : ‘ We have carried out the right procedures and we would fight any court case to the bitter end to defend our position . ’
10 We 've had devaluation of 14 per cent and we would need another 10 per cent .
11 And we would defend that er er de or we would debate that as I understand it as where it should be debated at er the next stage of the planning process which will be an enquiry into a a planning application .
12 I 'm not saying that there was n't an expectation that there would be a gradual move in there , and ultimately we would suffer and we would lose that level of grant .
13 ‘ If Gazza became available at the end of the season , we would go for him , and we would have more pull than most .
14 ‘ If he became available at the end of the season , the answer is yes , we would go for him , and we would have more pull than most .
15 Our sales figures were UP last year and we would like this trend to continue — Keep up the good work !
16 Our bodies would be able to make far better use of the nutrients in the food and we would get more pleasure from the whole process .
17 Twenty percent of our patients would have had recurrence in that year , but on the basis of our experience , we think it unlikely they would have come to any great harm , as a result of having their cystoscopy delayed , and we would recommend this protocol to the management of superficial bladder cancer .
18 An acid wave is more gentle on the hair and we would recommend either Creative Curl for springy , healthy curls , Day Into Night for soft , natural looking curls , or inner secret .
19 And we would put that down as basic guidance to staff when
20 Jane would come and give the cottages — we built the second one in 1977 — a final clean and polish , and we would replace any damaged or soiled furniture or utensils .
21 There might also be a departmental or other code in the centre of the key , and we might obtain all the records in three areas starting with numbers such as 03 , 05 or 07 if the choice of storage address is unfortunate .
22 Well we 'll have a look at it and we might have both
23 Stop talking about it and we might have more time .
24 Percifull died in nine days in November 1733 and Dr John Martyn 's twins , John and Eulalia , died within a year of their baptism in 1737 , there appear to have been no such tragedies in the Miller family and we may suppose these were their only three children .
25 And we may agree that what binds together the six parts of ‘ Ash-Wednesday ’ is in large part something rhythmical .
26 At least things are moving now on 2807 and we may have more news in the near future .
27 People will probably go anyway , Sharp adds , ‘ but we may kill a few on the way , and we may get some wet noodles back . ’
28 Our passive exterior may conceal a ferocious anger at having limited our choices , and we may direct this anger into manipulating others .
29 And we may see another reason for the ambiguity in Leonard : Ashkenazi Jews expressed themselves in Yiddish , which was not merely their language ( resting on 16th-century Middle High German and many Slavic loan-words ) but in a particular sense a reflection of their world , their universe .
30 And we 'll waive all our usual requirements on the bivouac and sanitary needs .
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