Example sentences of "and we [vb mod] [vb infin] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And we would do it again , but not for a year or two at least !
2 And we would polish them so far , then kick them up and down the shop you know , to make them
3 If it started to snow , say at four o'clock , we would have what we called snowmen — and we would knock them up and they would come running to get a day 's work in the snow .
4 And we would regard them as arbitrary .
5 Such a girl would be much admired in the West and we would think her very beautiful indeed . ’
6 The changes in eicosanoids reflected the clinical symptoms ; and we would expect them to be greater in severely symptomatic patients .
7 And we would pay you better than well . ’
8 Roger White , head of public relations at Coopers , said : ‘ If we did receive a writ we certainly do n't think there would be any grounds and we would contest it vigorously . ’
9 They used to er se , we could n't carry the empty ga , you can imagine that 's not express parcel stuff , but the valves er , would sometimes need er replacing and we would send them a valve and , and while , instead of having any down time , we would give them you know deliver the spare , have the spare come back for repair .
10 So we talked and I said well we would think about it and we would let him know so we collected all the friends that we thought would like to help which were many people were very good to help !
11 One after another the aircraft came back and we would count them , hoping against hope that they would all return .
12 We hope that the Minister will get the best deal that he possibly can to protect our farmers and we would support him in achieving that objective .
13 but similar change of causation , restrictions imposed by of which they are members and which they are party and we would say we had the same defence to the extent that they had written business which would not of been risen if the restrictions had not been made
14 For we 're the girls , girls , girls , And we would charm you With our curls , curls , curls — We would n't harm you To quote Davidson Ketchum — who with the magazines ‘ In Ruhleben Camp ’ is the principal source of this account — ‘ Few small towns since the Middle Ages can have had so productive a group of artists . ’
15 Housing policy in this country has traditionally given priority to children 's needs and we would find it very worrying if that priority were eroded in any way by the introductions of policies aiming to discriminate against children in one setting i.e. children of lone parent families .
16 I started sending out a ‘ ten , thirty — three ’ , the Citizen Band S.O.S. , on channel 1 but I knew that by the time I got through all 40 channels , Danny 's truck would be on the Motorway and we would lose it .
17 The slide lecture will be pre-prepared for use by any teacher and we would have it in a you know , some slide boxes
18 We are very anxious to trace them and we would like them to come forward . ’
19 Those sausages were a credit to Mother because she knew just the seasoning they required , and we would hang them up in the kitchen for people to eat as they pleased .
20 The Fawcetts had a sheep dip and we would take ours there , but the shearing was quite a problem for me .
21 We devised a system whereby three dealers would be asked to give an independent appraisal , and we would average them for an official evaluation .
22 It was in the winter time so it was full of hay but they would be very careful and we would ask them that they had no matches in case er there was no cigarettes much and that but pipes they were pipe smokers .
23 At the present time we are much in prayer for a lad called David and we would ask you all to join in prayer for him as he battles against his addiction to alcohol — remembering our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms .
24 I never saw an enormous lot of Basil except when he was passing through London and he wanted to buy pictures etc. and he would then come to see me and we would discuss them .
25 I told them all not to worry , I would go on working with you as soon as you were conscious and we would see our way together to a solution of the whole case . ’
26 It occupies a very prominent place in the narrative , therefore , and we might expect something particularly fine and solemn after the heroics of chapter 22 .
27 Children can find out these differences and we might encourage them to talk about them by posing such questions as :
28 I 'd have to take a few hundred and we might get one we both agree on .
29 £1 , 000 for a season and we might get you married off .
30 I am arguing for something far more significant than that , and we might call it a case for ecological morality .
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