Example sentences of "and in the [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And in the afternoon I think er it was about a quarter to three till four , and that was er Sunday School .
2 And in the afternoon i used to wear erm a blue and er and er blue oh I forgot .
3 It was always clear but perishingly cold at that early hour ; later the mists came down and in the afternoon there were often storms of rain and sometimes hail .
4 Valerie Walker who selected the exhibition will conduct a guided tour of the major works next Saturday morning , and in the afternoon there will be a children 's painting and drawing workshop .
5 In ninety two , three by point six seven and in the budget we propose tonight we 've asked for four point five five million .
6 He was looking at her this time , directly into her eyes , and in the twilight she felt her pulses begin to race , and she thought , Oh , my God , I 'm really attracted to this man .
7 Constance stood there in a simple white dress , and in the twilight she looked like a slim young girl holding out welcoming arms to her guest .
8 The back of the canvas chair had been turned towards the town , and in the gloom it was not immediately apparent that someone was sitting in it .
9 In Britain and in the Netherlands it accounts For about 10 per cent of the total consumption of sugar , in Ireland for 8 per cent , in Germany and France for about 5 per cent .
10 Such permanent divergences in character have often arisen in the distinct races of a domesticated species , and in the wild they would be accompanied by an unwillingness or inability to interbreed ; for there , Darwin argues , the reproductive system , with the associated instincts , is not disrupted as it is in domesticated species .
11 And in the chapel I saw us standing
12 This time the chef is from Montreal , and in the kitchen we may speak French . ’
13 In addition there were those both in the State Department and in the Pentagon who were determined to end Britain 's special nuclear status .
14 He claims a simple quality for his companions in these crazy adventures , and in the Bedu whom he admires most of all .
15 Are we to concur with Stevenson 's conclusion ( 1981 ) that ‘ it is hard to see how we can escape in general in organization of service from the broad client groupings , now so deeply entrenched in social service provision and in the linkages which are required with other professions ’ ( p. 100 ) , and if so how are we to select client group(s) ?
16 The early weavers had cottages with a loom inside and a garden outside , and in the gardens they liked to grow flowers and fruit , especially ‘ guzgogs ’ , as they are called .
17 The 120 attractively furnished bedrooms , with balcony , are divided among five small buildings , and in the gardens you will find a number of characteristic ‘ Trulli ’ houses .
18 He expended large sums in the construction of this city , and in the foundations he ordered several decapitated criminals to be placed as a sign of sacrifice . ’
19 Otley and I held on to him while Nigel searched for a large piece of wood to haul him out with , and in the meantime we had a close-up of the lush vegetation of the riverside : buttercups , forget-me-nots , dog roses and honeysuckle and the shy little water avens modestly hiding its peach-coloured face .
20 ‘ It would take up to two years to collect the information and in the meantime we would restore the old rates , ’ he said .
21 If the place failed as links the property was a valuable one , and there was no probability in their losing their money and in the meantime they were receiving three per cent which was as good as if the money were invested in Consols .
22 His response is to impress upon them that the time is not now , that only God knows when it will be , and in the meantime they are to concentrate on the number-one task of world-wide witness for which the Holy Spirit would equip them ( Acts 1:8 ) .
23 ‘ I 've been in touch with the museum and someone is coming over next week and in the meantime they said do n't touch anything . ’
24 It is clear , though , that if you decide to help your elderly parent or parents to apply for local authority grants , you are probably going to need to have great determination and infinite patience , and in the meantime there is a great deal you could do yourself to improve their comfort and living conditions in small but important ways .
25 And in the meantime there 's nothing I can do but hope . ’
26 You became decently engaged and made plans to get married six months or a year ahead , and in the meantime you lived decorously at home with your parents .
27 And in the meantime you 've finished working on a project for your good friend Richard Blake ? ’
28 You 're growing up , yes , but you 're not grown-up and you wo n't be for some time , and in the meantime you 're still my girl .
29 This point will , however , be ignored until Chapter 10 , and in the meantime it will be assumed that profit maximisation is in the social interest regardless of the particular market structure within which the company operates .
30 ‘ Enduring ’ means nothing if you 're having a rotten time now , so you guys love Shakespeare and in the meantime I ca n't get a good hot cup of coffee in this country .
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