Example sentences of "and a [noun] into the " in BNC.

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1 Two of them burst into the Pathfinder and bundled the three men and a women into the back .
2 ‘ Do n't make him laugh , ’ a nurse insisted when leading a writer and a photographer into the room .
3 An hour and a half into the debate all four for the first time gave succinct answers in agreement to one question and were rewarded with a cheer from the floor !
4 Then followed a mad rush out to the instruments , a frantic look at the sky and the visibility , a quick scribbling on a pad to write out the message , and a scramble into the teleprinter room to tap it out .
5 His move to Giverny in 1883 has often been seen as a turning away from the Parisian avant-garde and a retreat into the private world of his own aesthetic affairs .
6 Do they take a blindfold and a pin into the booth with them , and then spend four years boasting that nobody had better take their support for granted if they want to get re-elected ?
7 Reed was also ordered to pay Macmillan 's legal costs , and an inquiry into the amount of damages suffered by Macmillan will take place at a later date .
8 The resolution demanded within two months a full timetable of tests for 1991 , and an inquiry into the environmental effects of testing on Novaya Zemlya .
9 Firemen remain damping down and an investigation into the cause begins .
10 These mementos evoke both respectful memories and an insight into the changes of the woman 's role up to the certain ‘ decadence ’ , where the family is slowly fading wither her as a last , childless descendant .
11 There will be news and coverage of recent exhibitions and an insight into the new artist in residence at the Tatè in Liverpool .
12 A liberal- democratic constitution , with the danger of " class legislation " ( the phrase used to voice the fear of a working-class takeover through the ballot box ) and an intrusion into the rights of property through the more direct , participatory , and collective democracy of a mandated House of Commons of delegates close to working-class constituencies , seemed to be quite another .
13 This would be the appropriate point to call in some modern philosophers who have discussed these issues , and an excursus into the work of Edmund Husserl , Max Scheler , Alfred Schutz , Georg Simmel , and others would be of undoubted value .
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