Example sentences of "and a [noun] in the " in BNC.

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1 Despite financial inducements provided by the general practitioner contract and a doubling in the number of nurses working with participating practices in the past two years , few local general practitioners wish to establish miniclinics .
2 I have a dread of reaching a state when I lie inert and incontinent in bed , tubes in the nose and a drip-feed in the vein , all love of living gone and yet still forbidden final release .
3 Titles and lands , and a position in the world .
4 The investigators focus on the patterns of social relationships and resources that young people utilize in moving towards adult status and a position in the employment market .
5 Step by step they climbed , and as they ascended , black against the dazzling blue sky and glazed under a shroud of ice , a vast figure began to loom : a helmeted head , a flowing cape , a sword in one hand and a child in the other , and beneath its booted feet , visible as Erika and Karl reached the top of the stairs , a broken swastika , and bearing the whole gigantic figure , a grassy mound .
6 The general provision as to contact between a parent and a child in the event of a care order is set out in section 34(1) which provides that the local authority shall allow reasonable contact between the parent and the child .
7 Meciar , 49 , had been a member of Public Against Violence and a minister in the Slovak government after the collapse of the Communist regime ( and before his own increasing identification with Slovak nationalist causes ) , and had become Slovak Prime Minister after the June 1990 elections , but was dismissed in April 1991 following allegations that he had abused his access to secret police files [ see pp. 38161 ; 38830-31 ] .
8 Campbell and Wright JJ.A. ) on 10 November 1989 , reasons being given on 12 March 1990 , dismissing his appeal against his conviction of murder on 22 March 1988 before Wolfe J. and a jury in the Kingston Home Circuit Court .
9 On 5 November 1990 he appeared before Mr. S. Lyons , sitting as an assistant recorder , and a jury in the Crown Court at Maidstone and pleaded not guilty to an indictment containing nine counts alleging deception .
10 ( Ag. ) ) given on 10 April 1987 dismissing his appeal against his conviction of murder on 13 December 1983 before Parnell J. and a jury in the Home Circuit Court at Kingston .
11 A further complication dealt with in the sections relates to the effect on sections 89 to 96 when there are different classes of equity shares and a provision in the memorandum or articles that pre-emptive offers of shares of each class shall be made to members of that class .
12 Gambling has many of the characteristics of drug taking — a euphoric high , and a craving in the addict .
13 It emerged from the London dock strike , " the greatest struggle between capital and labour that this generation has seen " , with an augmented status in the labour movement , a reputation for militancy and a foothold in the Port of London in which organising success had hitherto eluded it .
14 They were a year in the planning and a year in the building , and carry all generators , control systems , prizes and a generous helping of Guinness to slake visitors ' thirsts after their visit .
15 The growth of private home-ownership and car-ownership , reduction in the number of voters dependent on council housing , expansion of self-employment ( up from 1.9 million to 3 million between 1979 and 1989 ) and of employment in the private sector , and a fall in the public-sector employment , may also work against the party .
16 Kloof , benefiting from a higher gold yield , lifted net profits R4.77m to R97.7m , despite production losses over the December–January holiday period and a fall in the tonnage of ore milled .
17 So far as we can tell , the men-folk ruled in every sphere ; but it may be that the further one got from the world of high feudalism the less of a slave the woman became ; it is certainly true , in a rather different way , that the Norman Conquest brought both a more complete feudalism and a fall in the status of women .
18 The Keynesians argue that money is a close substitute for financial assets , so they see an increase in the money supply resulting in an increase in the price of financial assets and a fall in the yield received .
19 A decrease in the mark-up in the retail sector leads , other things equal , to a rise in scale in this sector and a fall in the number of establishments ( n r is proportional to ) .
20 The fall in k leads to a rise in the gross return to capital and a fall in the wage ; to this extent the tax is ‘ shifted ’ .
21 Although the figure rose in the latter half of the year as the Gulf crisis drove up oil prices , the growing recession in November and a fall in the volume of oil imports saw the deficit fall to $9,700 million , and to $6,300 million in December .
22 The combination of the abandonment of overfunding and continued heavy borrowing by central government for on-lending to the local authorities and public corporations led to a move to overall money market surpluses in the later 1980s and a fall in the amount of money market assistance outstanding .
23 A 170mm unit is used in the 415 and a 200mm in the 425 .
24 A less likely interpretation of the results demonstrating an increased and substantial amount of PT-gliadin intracellulary in granules in coeliac disease patients is compatible with a pathological binding of PT-gliadin to surface receptors and a disturbance in the further intracellular processing .
25 The Committee has expressed concern that these reforms , particularly those concerning conveyancing and the Bar , may lead to a breakdown in the network of solicitors ' offices , especially in rural areas , and a diminution in the quality of service to legally aided clients .
26 Recall that the spectral reflectance curve of vigorous , healthy vegetation shows a dip in the red region of the visible spectrum and a peak in the short-wave infrared ( Figure 5.8(a) ) whereas the corresponding curve for water shows a decline from visible green through visible red to a low in the short-wave infrared .
27 Chapman 's handling of players was based on a calculated appraisal of each man 's temperament , and in Hulme 's case he obviously considered that a sharp rebuff and a spell in the third team would boost his determination to improve his game .
28 The 44-year-old director was born and brought up on a ranch in California , before attending military school and a spell in the Marines .
29 This is associated with an extension of the duration of satiety and a delay in the appearance of hunger .
30 This led to a famine and a delay in the wheat harvest of 2 months .
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