Example sentences of "and the high [noun] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Because of the good quality of data supplied and the high coverage obtained , we are satisfied that the resultant estimates of the employment generated by the industry provide a very accurate and detailed analysis of the economic significance of the Scotch Whisky industry .
2 These notes deal with bankruptcy proceedings in both the county court and the High Court commenced ( that is , where the petition was presented ) on or after 29 December 1986 .
3 This designation was not without its local hostility ; the validity of the designation order was challenged by a residents ' protection society and the High Court held in favour of the objectors .
4 The validity of the LIT is based upon the existing research which supports imitation as an index of a child 's knowledge of grammar and the high correlations obtained when scores on the LIT were compared with other measures of language production .
5 The self-regulation of the profession and the high standards demanded of its members are said to be the justification for the monopolies enjoyed by those engaging in the activity and by the restrictive practices permitted .
6 I have often wondered if this obsession with formal education and the high value put on academic achievement is a peculiarly Scottish thing , but it is clear from Bruch 's studies that the pressure to achieve — not necessarily but often academically — is an important factor in the aetiology of anorexia nervosa .
7 A few weeks later , whilst visiting St. John 's College , he shared with us about the mutual support within the group and the high priority given to it by its members .
8 France benefits from the continuity of its space effort , and the high priority given it by governments .
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