Example sentences of "and the [num] [noun] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The rector of Weston-Longville in Norfolk was well placed to appreciate the contrast between the six-figure income of Prinny at Carlton House , the building of which accounted for much of his debt , and the nine pounds annual wage he paid his servant Ben Leggatt .
2 I must confess the moment er Stan Collimore set it up for Webb , I mean it 's a nice ball he does brilliant here Colin , checks the and shapes a nice little ball into Webby 's path and the one thing Webby 's still got he 's he 's got good feet .
3 Ewen came , with a shrug and a smile and a lifted eyebrow , and the two detectives close behind him .
4 The roof collapsed in 1284 and the 500 feet high spire fell in 1573 .
5 The Indian child , however , once he is 5 , increases his expectation from 32 to 46 years ; the Mexican , from 39 to 55 years — and the 5 year old of the United Arab Republic can now expect to live to the age of 59 , having added 21 years to his total expectation of life by virtue of having survived the ‘ pre-school ’ period ( UNICEF , 1964 ) .
6 But today , latest tests show Philip 's kidney is only badly bruised and the 14 year old should make a full recovery .
7 Between 1945 and the 1983 election Liberal strength in the Commons fluctuated between six and fourteen .
8 And the four week old probably understood it better than I do .
9 Italy also saw another change following an election in 1953 , which cost the Christian Democrats eighty seats and the five year old government led by de Gasperi , fell apart .
10 In 1973 , for example , Travers Morgan published a series of development scenarios , and in 1976 a London Docklands Strategic Plan was agreed by the Greater London Council and the five boroughs concerned .
11 It was written by Moshe Aumann of the Israel Academic Committee on the Middle East and its 24 pages are sprinkled with quotations stretching back a hundred years — from Mark Twain and Lamartine to Lord Milner and the 1937 Palestine Royal Commission — all of which assert that Palestine was a land of brigandage , destitution and desert before the mass immigration of Jews in the late 1930s .
12 Tony Jacklin had won the 1960 Open and the 1970 US Open , and his huge British following was going to make sure that he did what they 'd hoped he 'd do in 1970 at St Andrews , and win the 1971 Open at Birkdale .
13 The Royal Garden Party at Holyrood was followed by the Southport Flower Festival , the British Open Golf Championship at Gullane and the 1992 Hawick Common Riding celebrations .
14 During the placebo period five patients in the enalapril group displayed persistent high microalbuminuria and the six others low microalbuminuria , compared with six patients with high microalbuminuria and four with low microalbuminuria in the hydrochlorothiazide group ( χ² ; =1.9 ; p>0.3 ) .
15 Such entries would have to be flagged in the tree structure to show that they are misspellings to distinguish them from correct words ( as mentioned previously in section 4.4.3 during the discussion of the flagging system and the 12 codes necessary to represent proper nouns , compounds and phrases ) .
16 The Institute had only had three weeks to produce all documents and the plan for practical embalming for the NVQ Committee , and the three members concerned had completed the task within that three weeks .
17 He was gratified , therefore , when he saw them come into the church at Gillamoor , accompanied by Victoria , and the three year old Hilary .
18 The Sports Council aims to increase participation in sport during the 80's , with particular emphasis on women and the 13–24 year old and 45–59 year old age groups .
19 All three exhibitions are clearly the result of a finely tuned collaboration between Michael Tooby , until recently the Mappin 's Keeper , and the 23 artists concerned .
20 Work began the following year , using a shield which , though similar to one patented by Barlow in 1868 , was designed by Greathead ; it was forced forward by powerful screw-jacks as excavation proceeded , and the 1,350 ft. long tunnel was completed in less than a year .
21 Curators at the Pompidou Centre are anxiously awaiting the results of negotiations between Russian museums and the eighty-nine year old Russian heiress Irina Shchukin over property rights to twenty-five of the 130 paintings in the exhibition ‘ Matisse 1904–17 ’ running until 21 June .
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