Example sentences of "and the [adj] [noun] given " in BNC.

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1 Distillation is another , in which flowers are boiled in water , and the essential oil given off in the steam is collected and condensed by cooling .
2 Groups can help members to discuss their feelings and needs more safely , and the mutual support given can help them develop new coping strategies for dealing with them .
3 Health care markets are not easily " contestable " ( Baumol 1982 ) since there are many barriers to entry against potential new suppliers , for example the heavy costs of new hospital development and technologies , and the legal monopoly given to doctors controlling entry to the profession .
4 The government confronted opposition and frequently overcame it , and the extra powers given to ministers — especially in education and housing and potentially in the personal social services — were extensive .
5 The Scottish midfield of Gary McAllister , Paul McStay and John Collins was also thrusting forward in an unfettered way and the overall impression given was that Andy Goram , who had begun the game with an unblemished record at international level inside Ibrox , would not be bettered by Malta where Italy and Portugal had failed .
6 This has generated a considerable debate on the size of the household , its class basis and the changing meanings given to it .
7 I unite with all who condemn the display of suggestive advertisements on billboards , at theatre entrances , and the favourable notices given to immoral motion pictures .
8 The excellent interest and co-operation by Tesco store management and staff , and the practical help given to the Association 's Branches in carrying out collections is much appreciated .
9 The threat by the INTO in respect of the removal of its investments , the placing by SIPTU of its National Office Network at our disposal , the many letters of encouragement and the great assistance given to our members on the Picket Line are some of the indicators of this .
10 The long hours worked by preregistration house officers , the high service commitment , and the low rating given to the educational aspects of the job have led to numerous criticisms of this part of medical education .
11 ‘ The Palace at the highest level is very angry at the damage done to the Korean trip and the wrong impression given that the Queen ordered Diana to go . ’
12 What the government did not bargain for was the public outrage and the massive support given to the demonstrations .
13 But , critics apart , there were other groups in society far from pleased with these new departures , and the growing publicity given to ‘ hard-boiled ’ films now gave new life to the never-ceasing campaign against the movies .
14 Clanchy shows that , between 1066 and 1307 in England , the criteria for validation of land rights and other significant social facts , and the relative weight given to written and oral criteria in such validation changed as a direct result of political pressures ( 1979 ) .
15 But that is all we are told and the relative weight given to the many relevant considerations , both favourable and unfavourable , is not disclosed .
16 A few weeks later , whilst visiting St. John 's College , he shared with us about the mutual support within the group and the high priority given to it by its members .
17 France benefits from the continuity of its space effort , and the high priority given it by governments .
18 Thus , despite their apparent primacy and the universal significance given to them in criminological research , they are themselves dependent on the pre-existence and effective operation of other controls .
19 He knew the way vaguely from the journey the night before and the careful directions given to him by the Prior .
20 Be able to calculate the interval between two given times , and the finishing time given the starting time and duration .
21 The intention was to publicise the many victories achieved in his long reign and the generous largesses given when celebrating his good fortune .
22 We hear and read so much about the current crop of virtuosi , and the little credit given to the '60s and '70s innovators tends to be nostalgic and somewhat patronising .
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