Example sentences of "and the [noun] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Activity in Oxford city hospitals is at present scattered across a number of main sites ( the John Radcliffe and Churchill Hospitals , the Radcliffe Infirmary , and the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre ) as well as several smaller specialised sites ( Warneford , Littlemore , Rivermead , etc . ) .
2 The King 's Fund Institute and the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust have published a report called Developing primary care : opportunities for the 1990s .
3 Annie Fischer 's version of the Schumann was originally coupled with Liszt 's First Piano Concerto , and this recording is now re-issued with Johann Strauss 's Die Fledermaus Overture and the classic 1960 account of the Overture and Incidental Music to A Midsummer Night 's Dream by Mendelssohn ( ) , to make what amounts to a delightfully planned orchestral concert .
4 Although he 's travelled all over the world taking stills , Mexico and the Bahamas last year , Thailand and Kampuchea before that , of all the beautiful places he 's visited and the stunning scenery he 's witnessed , his favourite place is the bottom of the sea .
5 I assembled the studwork by laying all the sections flat on the lawn , and nailing them together , then added extra bracing at the ends — once the diagonals had been checked , and the panels pronounced square .
6 He became a Swedish citizen in 1937 in order to take up the offer of teaching posts in the Royal Opera School and the Music High School ( later renamed the Royal Academy of Music ) , Stockholm , where he had great influence on a generation of singers , including Birgit Nilsson and Jussi Björling , whom he taught privately .
7 Two or three years later with half a million troops they are still no further forward in their struggle in Vietnam and the cost this time was to the United States ' political system because the effect upon domestic politics was fairly severe .
8 Two or three years later with half a million troops they are still no further forward in their struggle in Vietnam and the cost this time was to the United States ' political system because the effect upon domestic politics was fairly severe .
9 On April 3 the People 's Revolutionary Struggle ( ELA ) and the May 1 group jointly claimed responsibility for an explosion outside UN offices and for placing bombs under European diplomats ' cars .
10 Chair can I make a suggestion quite clearly a large number of people have made some very good and valid recommendations or suggestions to you and the board this evening and you 've said on many occasions this evening the board will obviously go away discuss those and take a view on the particular ideas .
11 I suspect it may soon be superseded by a very different idea derived from evolutionary theory and the knowledge molecular biology is giving us about the genetic control of brain processes .
12 Among the most violent incidents during 1990-91 were the July 1990 killing of Ian Gow [ see p. 37623 ] ; the September shooting of a former Gibraltar Governor [ see p. 37720 ] ; the October IRA " human bomb " attacks [ see p. 37784 ] ; the November rocket attack on the home of a Belfast High Court judge [ see p. 37869 ] ; the February 1991 IRA mortar attack on Downing Street and attacks on mainland railway stations [ see pp. 38019-20 ] ; and the March 1991 Craigavon killings [ see p. 38112 ] .
13 Girl Friendly Science and the Girl Friendly School
15 For Frith has given the fox and the weasel cunning hearts and sharp teeth and to the cat he has given silent feet and eyes that can see in the dark and they are gone away from Frith 's place to kill and devour all that belongs to El-ahrairah . "
16 Two notable examples of personality tests are the 16PF and the California Psychological Inventory .
17 To begin with , find the price quantity and the percentage active ingredients ( concentration ) that is required which should be available from the specification returns .
18 The average US company spent seven times as much and the Germans 14 times as much .
19 I sang an obscene ditty I had learnt in the TA , Mike an African song in Matabele , and the Germans some carols .
20 The office on G floor prepares work for the Conservation Workshop , and the level 7 office processes work for Sighthill Bindery .
21 Erm the difference is that erm it A Magna Park is specifically an exclusively rather , exclusively geared to B eight and is absolutely slap bang in the middle of the country on the conjunction of the M six M one and the A one M link route and everything else .
22 Whereas locations to the north of York , and here we 're dealing with here ma'am er dealing sir with the A sixty four north and the B one three six three and the A nineteen north would tend to serve the needs of Greater York .
23 And on the M forty between junctions seven Thame and the A forty interchange , there 's a contraflow in operation , which means there 's only two lanes available in each direction .
24 Schools and non-advanced FE colleges know the standards and the A level performances which will get their students into universities and institutes and colleges of higher education .
25 Also the subject of discussion and refinement during the first term are the number of offers to be made for each field to reach the target ( the offer ratio ) and the A level grades normally required for entry .
26 Whilst legislative reforms such as changes in the abortion laws and the law governing homosexuality are viewed as essentially liberal measures , we are not to assume therefore that this was indicative of a period of unproblematically increasing sexual liberation .
27 He was replaced on an interim basis by his deputy , Faruq Dahruj , and the LCP central committee called for an extraordinary conference to discuss the party 's political plan and organizational structure , change the party 's name and elect a new leadership .
28 An army spokesman announced on Jan. 3 that the military had foiled a further coup plot , supposedly hatched jointly by the rightist Reform the Armed Forces Movement ( RAM ) and the leftist New People 's Army ( NPA ) , which was to have opened with the bombing of the Basa air base in Pampanga .
29 Those who had moved were traced through various means including the local Electoral Register , Leicestershire Family Health Services Authority , the local Registrar of Births and Deaths , and the NHS Central Register at Southport in Lancashire .
30 But investigations by The Northern Echo and the Durham Co-operative Development Association ( DCDA ) have revealed that some of the places earmarked for men from Plawsworth hostel in County Durham are already spoken for .
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