Example sentences of "and [indef pn] [conj] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The style needs to be clear , uncluttered , informative and one that projects the company image in a positive fashion .
2 No distinction is made between a number that records salary and one that records the number of parts in a warehouse in St Louis .
3 An untrained stimulus A may be perceived in one way ; one that evokes the representation of X in a different way ; and one that evokes a representation of Y in a different way yet again .
4 Thus we do not discriminate between a process that offers to output one of two values on a channel nondeterministically and one that offers the choice to the environment , even if this last idea were operationally reasonable .
5 Skymaster is a very useful service and one that deserves a wider audience .
6 If we begin with too cavalier an attitude toward them , we may miss a certain richness in our intellectual heritage and one that had a profound bearing on how the word science was understood , by both practitioners and their public .
7 It 's a powerful force to be reckoned with , and one that ensures a true deep-down clean all around your home .
8 With this in mind there is need for a uniform approach and one that addresses the issues of continuity and progression from 5 — 14 .
9 As both those particular models of socialism have lost credibility , a debate has opened on the possibility of an alternative definition of the socialist goal — one that occupies a space somewhere between regulated capitalism and centrally planned state socialism , and one that finds a new balance of the strengths and weaknesses of planning and the market .
10 The contributions that were to be offered with the study of process may be surveyed from the viewpoint of soil science and the biogeographer , from that of the climatologist and the geomorphologist and then from the field of hydrology which to some extent provided a new focus of interest for physical geographers and one that proffered a link between at least the geomorphic and climatic aspects of physical environment .
11 We are committed to developing a sound financial base , one that makes the University less vulnerable to unexpected changes in public policy and one that provides the necessary foundation for capital growth .
12 A good example ( and one that affords an interesting comparison with Beccaria ) is his attitude towards torture .
13 Brian , how do you feel about living in such a small flat and one that has no bath ?
14 A truly remarkable achievement and one that demonstrates the enthusiasm with which Johnson Matthey has responded to the challenge .
15 It seems to me that whatever else was on the menu at County Hall last night , the dinner was principally a buttering-up exercise and one that ill-befits a county which struggled to make savings in the education budget earlier this year .
16 And then plenty of straw and everything and put the old vixen in and the cubs and some food for and then the old erm the old er erm what did they used to call it ?
17 So there was a stage where we did say , this scheme is going so far and anybody that buys a house out with that area , they 're free to apply for grants .
18 Mirrored walls are obviously useful ; so is good lighting — particularly uplights in corners — and anything that takes the eye out and along like diagonal patterns , trellis , pale colours , to add a sense of perspective .
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