Example sentences of "and [pos pn] [noun pl] when [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Such issues should concern the House and its Members when we are talking about rights , responsibilities and freedoms .
2 If young people get used to the idea of the pub being a centre of the community , a place for sensible conversation and for sensible drinking , they are less likely to abuse the pub and its facilities when they become young adults .
3 I abandoned France and her rulers when they abandoned Liberty , gave themselves up to tyranny , and endeavoured to enslave the world . ’
4 The Old Testament has a nice line in vituperation of other cultures and their beliefs when its writers suggest that non-Israelites worship , not the true God , but satyrs or he-goats or demons … .
5 ‘ It is great for players and their clubs when they are picked for their country .
6 A Monopolies and Mergers Commission inquiry into credit cards recommended the abolition of the ‘ no discrimination ’ clause in agreements between banks and their retailers when it reported in the summer .
7 And even today , what messages are we transmitting to children and their peers when we exclude them from participation in some school activities ?
8 Most of the above benefits are towards the maintenance of the disabled and their dependants when they can not earn .
9 Most people who need community care prefer to live in their own homes with practical help for themselves and their carers when it is needed .
10 But the problem facing Ted Dexter and his selectors when they meet this weekend could hardly be bigger .
11 THE knives are being sharpened to greet Indian captain Mohammad Azharuddin and his players when they arrive home from South Africa .
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