Example sentences of "and [pos pn] [noun] and [art] " in BNC.

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1 And er I were mad as well because somebody was somebody were falsifying records and Well my lungs and my life and the mens life as well .
2 And for the first five years of my life , I just led a very lonely life with only the my grandmother and my parents and the farm men .
3 They asked me questions about myself and my squadron and the way I was shot down .
4 Besides the problem with the kitchen , there was no central heating , and my room and the bathroom were incomplete .
5 The earth and and my mother and the great day waits
6 Epictetus looked at each event from the point of view of his whole life and its freedom and the courage and steadfastness that he wished to possess .
7 Always touch a baby , its hands and its feet and the feet are a better guide to my hands , because babies ' hands can often be cold .
8 The increasing complexity of health care and its organisation and the rapid advances in science and technology are likely to continue to bring even greater opportunities , responsibilities and satisfactions in every field of nursing .
9 On a more theoretical level , Breton and Wintrobe show that the analogy between a monopolistic firm and its customers and a monopoly bureau and the public is misplaced .
10 The theme of this month 's supplement is JFIT strategy — the thinking behind the Joint Framework and its programmes and the ways in which some current issues are being addressed .
11 Then , what was uppermost in people 's minds was the second world war and its aftermath and the convention was framed mainly to deal with Europe rather than Africa or Asia .
12 This differs from the warthog above in the shape of its head and its teeth and the fact that its core population in South Africa has been wiped out .
13 Briefing a newly-appointed editor or specialist writer on your company and its activities and the service you have to offer .
14 Gaps in understanding of the disease and its treatment and the unsuitable characteristics of available diagnostic tools mean that prostatic cancer fails to meet most of the standard epidemiological criteria required for a successful screening programme .
15 This plan provided for the withdrawal of Soviet troops in exchange for ‘ guarantees of the neutrality ’ of Afghanistan by the Great Powers and its neighbours and the creation of peace-keeping forces .
16 The point , as I understand it , is that there can be a resonance between the inner situation and its anxieties and the outer world with its real dangers .
17 There are various transnational political organizations through which fractions of the TCC operate , for example , the Rotary Club and its offshoots and the network of American Chambers of Commerce that straddles the globe .
18 It requires a fine balance to be made between the sometimes competing needs of the school and its pupils and the needs and rights of the individual members of staff .
19 But then it was a creature of its time , and its time and the work it did were about the last election , not the next one .
20 The changing relationship between the newspaper and its readers and the changing content of the newspaper had one other important impact on the long-term development of the press : it fundamentally altered the newspaper 's expectations of its readers .
21 To be more precise , the conflict was between the felt need of interventionism by the majority of the population and its politicians and the particular social theology of the churchmen .
22 It 's functional and cheap and takes the work out of mothers ' work — the opposite of the colour supplements ' fascination with food and its production and the backlash against junk food , which present a chic counterculture of cooking not as work but as leisure and pleasure .
23 The penetration of total space required fragmentation of the object and its environment and the adoption of superimposed multiviews , translucency and transparency .
24 Lesley Middleton claimed travel expenses from Stainmore , Cumbria , for herself and her daughter and a ticket refund following the appearance by Nureyev at the Empire Theatre in Sunderland .
25 For example — I feel disgusted and ashamed — I took my little girl down to my mum 's and I swear to God I remember dressing her — it was winter — but when she got to my mum 's house I took her out of the buggy and all she had on was her nappy and her socks and a blanket wrapped round her .
26 They play every day , you see , this girl and her cousin and the two boys they know .
27 But Punition fretted all the way across , and her groom and a French veterinary surgeon took it in turns to comfort her .
28 THE BBC 's Christmas schedule features a season of films by Woody Allen , including Hannah and Her Sisters and The Purple Rose of Cairo , and films starring Meryl Streep , beginning with Out of Africa .
29 After the birth of her second child , during the Depression , she began to dream violently of Hell and her father and the Book of Revelation .
30 9.1 The Publisher may present copies of the Work to the Libraries entitled to the Privilege and shall be entitled at its discretion to present copies of every edition of the Work to the Delegates of the Oxford University Press and their Secretary and the Chancellor of the University editors of periodicals teachers and other persons through whom in its judgement publicity for the Work will be gained and shall retain the copies needed as samples by their showrooms and travellers throughout the world and all such presentation copies shall not be taken into account as copies sold .
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