Example sentences of "and [pos pn] [noun] [conj] a " in BNC.

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1 I 'd rather be a paid-up churchgoer with a sense of pride in myself and my family than a part-time schizophrenic who lives her life in a fog of garbled third-hand mysticism and a building that houses goats , chickens and , from the feel of it , fleas like small sharks .
2 On a more theoretical level , Breton and Wintrobe show that the analogy between a monopolistic firm and its customers and a monopoly bureau and the public is misplaced .
3 He thus accepted the marginal productivity theory of the demand for labour and its corollary that a fall in the real wage rate is a necessary condition for a rise in employment .
4 For example , the modern female hostage who falls in love with her captor may not merely be manifesting the well-known defence of ‘ identification with the aggressor ’ ( particularly since it is not so much identification with him as submission to him ) , she may instead be giving way to her phylogenetic id and its demand that a female captured by a male should look to him for sexual satisfaction .
5 Lesley Middleton claimed travel expenses from Stainmore , Cumbria , for herself and her daughter and a ticket refund following the appearance by Nureyev at the Empire Theatre in Sunderland .
6 Surely , ’ she added slyly , ‘ my good brother would not put obstacles between a queen and her throne or a mother and her son ? ’
7 For example — I feel disgusted and ashamed — I took my little girl down to my mum 's and I swear to God I remember dressing her — it was winter — but when she got to my mum 's house I took her out of the buggy and all she had on was her nappy and her socks and a blanket wrapped round her .
8 But Punition fretted all the way across , and her groom and a French veterinary surgeon took it in turns to comfort her .
9 His position is now occupied by the ballerina and her partner or a soloist .
10 They say Granada 's promotion was ‘ both highly insensitive to the hostages and their families and a serious abuse of public trust . ’
11 There have been instances recently where vast commercial organisations and even governments have been compelled to rethink their policies and their methods because a sufficient number of individual supermarket shoppers have decided to demonstrate the strength of their feelings by boycotting a particular item .
12 The bar was fairly full , with groups of local worthies and their wives and a clutch of broody businessmen .
13 A suitable kit includes just a few sheets of basic information about collecting children from playgrounds , marking registers , assembly times , break times , discipline and marking policies , a list of staff and their responsibilities and a sketch map locating various key areas in the school — particularly the location of the staff toilets !
14 The generation before the Revolution saw not only the opposition to royal power offered by the parlements and their allies but a growth in criticism of the monarchical regime of a more fundamental and ultimately more dangerous kind .
15 To this day , it signifies almost better than any other building the Victorians ' love of spectacle and sentiment and their confidence that a new world order could be created out of a massive syncretism .
16 I says cos I said that fellow I says my husband 's mother for years I says , in fact and old photographs in the house we have of and his wife and a whole crowd .
17 The atypical but consistent finding of McKeever and his collaborators that a right field advantage can be obtained with both unilateral and bilateral stimulus presentation may be attributable in part to their use of very short exposure durations , and in part to their use of a digit as a " fixation forcer " .
18 It could , for example , make a residence order in favour of the child 's grandmother together with a contact order regulating contact between the child and his parents and a specific issue order resolving a dispute over the child 's education .
19 On Feb. 19 the state prosecutor in the town of Bursa was badly wounded by gunmen , and his driver and a policeman killed .
20 It may have become obvious to Pius and his advisers that a Council would not be as easy to manipulate as they had imagined .
21 He took her by the shoulders and kissed her instead , a real kiss with his tongue and his teeth and a strong aftertaste of brandy .
22 In 1958 , Doisneau was photographing a shepherd and his flock when a lorry careered out of control , killing a number of sheep and the shepherd 's two dogs .
23 At the first meeting of the Central Authority , Shinwell had told Citrine and his colleagues that a reasonable aim would be to meet full demand by 1951 ‘ if that was at all possible ’ in the light of other national investment demands .
24 Her scheme of things in my judgment is likely to offer better continuity of care and thus more rapport between Paul and his carers and a better opportunity for one carer to hand on the necessary skills with Paul 's equipment to any successor .
25 I urge that there should be no such hasty reaction to what is not only a tragedy for the patient and his family but a tragedy for two medical practitioners , their families , and their peer group of forensic medical examiners .
26 Marx referred throughout his work to other systems than the capitalist system , especially those which he knew from the history of Europe to have preceded capitalism ; systems such as feudalism , where the relation of production was characterized by the personal relation of the feudal lord and his serf and a relation of subordination which came from the lord 's control of the land .
27 Or he could sell most of his land to Mr Big and his house and a few acres could fall into the hands of a merchant banker who wants somewhere quiet with a paddock for the daughter 's ponies .
28 His legacy lies in his teaching , and his belief that a Scottish revolutionary internationalism could be sustained within the world communist movement .
29 It was a memory he had n't known he had , and even now he knew very little about it beyond the fact that it involved him and his father and a railway tunnel .
30 She tried to utilise Dany and his Lambretta or a speechless Michel , and disgusted herself .
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