Example sentences of "and [vb mod] not [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Moustaches shall not extend below the vermilion border of the upper lip or the corners of the mouth and may not extend to the side more than one-quarter inch beyond the corners of the mouth …
2 General practitioners can determine the pattern of later health care delivery in Alzheimer 's disease and may not refer to specialist outpatient care .
3 Rape victims , for example , may fear the consequences of reporting the act , and may not wish to be cross-examined by the police or in court and be exposed to possible innuendoes and suggestions that they ‘ encouraged ’ their assailant .
4 She was also advised that she should continue to try to reduce weight and should not return to her work ( which involved standing all the time ) until she had been seen in the Outpatient Clinic in six weeks time .
5 I was asked to be discreet as the lady in question , a possible grand-daughter living on the island , was of affluent mien and might not like to be reminded of her origins .
6 The four went back to No. 43 , in a close tender group , Jim as king , as victor , and , unwilling that the evening should be lost , they sat on around the kitchen table , sentinelled by the yellow forsythia , and could not bear to part .
7 Something that was not form , but was only matter , could not become general in this way and could not answer to the generality of the concepts with which we think .
8 There would be time now to see Mr. Fynney , the chief debenture holder on the line , and take his opinion , which I believe has not been given on the position but he , unfortunately , a short time ago lost his brother , and could not attend to business , and there would be time now to obtain the consideration of the promoters of the points above named , before the bill passes the House of Lords .
9 I need crutches to get around the house and could not get to the concert , ’ she said .
10 Dickinson argues for a change in the organisation of the industry as chronologically earlier pairs show less variation than later examples ; this may only be a change in ability and need not relate to changes in the medium used to make models .
11 This can be any name and need not refer to the programs contained within it .
12 Many of them bought them and would not walk to school in the mornings without one in their Bart Simpson satchels .
13 At its July meeting the Council heard some members complain that the proposals did not go far enough and would not lead to greater freedoms for institutions , and heard others wonder if the long-term aim was in fact ‘ complete autonomy ’ .
14 Whatever the strength of this reasoning , it seems to apply to cases where the patient commits some act to achieve his end , and would not apply to the situation being discussed here .
15 In July of the same year John Gayner and many others resisted arrest at Lydney , killed a number of the king 's servants and those of the warden of the forest , and chased the others ‘ as far as the forest and would not surrender to the King 's peace ’ .
16 Clearly the auction house feels that in the light of new revelations about the treasure 's origins , its manner of acquisition and details of falsified export licenses , any attempt to offer it at auction would be bound to result in failure and would not redound to the auction house 's credit .
17 This approach is difficult to reconcile with the principle of supremacy of Community law and would not seem to be the correct way to apply the principle of indirect effect the duty of the national courts to interpret national law as far as possible to bring it into line with Community obligations .
18 But if expectations are rational then this superiority disappears , for if the fall in aggregate demand assumed above were predictable , it would have no effect on real output and would not need to be countered by a change of monetary policy .
19 The statement need only be oral and would not need to be expressly repeated in the sale agreement .
20 For these technical reasons , the Audio Visual machine is much more advanced , and would not have to upgraded within a relatively short time , as I would fear with the 3M machine .
21 This Agreement shall come into force on that date and shall not apply to any accident occurring before such date .
22 It will only serve to annoy the claimants ' advisers and will not lead to a conducive climate for ultimate settlement .
23 Sites to which bleomycin binds too tightly will trap the antibiotic and will not lead to efficient catalysis [ 31 ] .
24 Which is not to say , he wrote , that the present project has any value over and above the others , mine and those of everyone else , I have been into the question of value already and will not return to it now , has any value or that its outcome has any value , I have to repeat this , simply that now , for me , today , after the things I have done and given the time left me , it is the most important thing , it is what , from the time I first picked up a pencil and made a mark on a piece of paper , everything has logically led up to .
25 To get back to the subject of the gas pipeline — I suspect that the Minister has left it and will not return to it —
26 Helen leaves for Chile at the end of September 1994 to help local projects in the country including an orphanage and other community projects and will not return to Britain until a few days before Christmas .
27 And he warned : ‘ Unless this approach is changed , the Government will not survive and will not deserve to . ’
28 ‘ Unless this approach is changed , the Government will not survive and will not deserve to . ’
29 And he warned : ‘ Unless this approach is changed , the Government will not survive and will not deserve to . ’
30 If the fever is persistently above about 104°F ( 40°C ) and will not respond to the following measures :
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