Example sentences of "and [vb mod] [verb] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 They can be sluggish in movement , especially as they grow older , and may tend to be stubborn and inflexible as children .
2 SuperShow is an excellent example of Shareware at its very best and may prove to be invaluable to both the business and educational user .
3 The majority further contend that a wife who has reported a rape by her husband to the police may subsequently regret having done so and may wish to be reconciled with him .
4 Some of the modern hymns have a very shallow doctrinal content and may need to be rejected for that reason , whatever their other virtues .
5 Staff need , however , to strike a delicate balance between giving optimistic support and encouragement on the one hand and accepting on the other that some individuals do not wish to , or can not , change as a result of disability and may need to be helped , therefore , to cope with permanent social impairments and distressing symptoms .
6 Be aware of the fact that the last word may sound different , especially if it is a tone language ( list intonation ) , and may need to be listened to in another position in the list .
7 The grammar and lexicon may be incomplete for the task at hand and may need to be supplemented .
8 The preferred approach is likely to vary between countries , depending both on market characteristics and corporate profiles , and may need to be modified slightly in the light of subsequent deal structuring recommendations .
9 Of course , organisms have to survive and may need to be , to have erm fitness in the sporting sense in order to have reproductive success .
10 Refusal to sit is often associated with constipation and soiling and may have to be taught before bowel movements can be encouraged .
11 This means that publication of excavation reports , as the Frere Report indicates ( 1975 ) , will also have to be transformed , since large pottery reports may now have become too expensive to print in the traditional manner , and may have to be available in microfiche sheets .
12 Firstly , the amount of DMS required to achieve a suitable extent of methylation is a function of the concentration of DNA and protein present and may have to be substantially increased when probing complexes formed in the presence of large excesses of competitor DNA or protein .
13 Eunice Paxman , chairwoman of the National Care Homes Association , predicted that some SSD contracts with residential homes would be placed under further strain and may have to be renegotiated .
14 The strategy outlined last year for the Group , of continued and intense emphasis on cost reduction in all aspects of both businesses , has been pursued vigorously and must continue to be so in these still uncertain economic times .
15 Magnus Magnusson , the SNH chairman , said local government had been and must continue to be an important partner of the agency .
16 Instead there comes the realisation , surely necessary all over the world , that every African , whatever else he is , is also a food producer and must learn to be an efficient one .
17 She 's about seven years old , fully mature , and might live to be thirty or thirty-five .
18 The Board of Admiralty had been well aware since 1955 that the US Navy 's Polaris-armed submarines might become the capital ships of the future , and might prove to be more invulnerable as mobile launch platforms for the nuclear deterrent than the US Air Force 's Skybolt , if it too was successfully developed .
19 I see from today 's Financial Times that a leading member of the board of the Bundesbank said yesterday that the Maastricht summit was a failure and might prove to be ’ a suicidal failure ’ — serious words from a key member of the body that drew up the detailed proposals for European economic and monetary union .
20 The Department of Energy has recognized that its current termination date for subsidizing such projects , 1998 , is too tight and that many projects will be unable to raise the necessary finance beyond that date and might have to be abandoned .
21 Without records management skills and principles it has been and could continue to be the former .
22 All in all , LTK is still the most playable of the Bond games and could prove to be a good addition to anybody 's software collection .
23 They actively seek to expand their influence and would appear to be aiming to cover most of west London … the group can be expected to continue in their attempts to undermine the police , but are unlikely to be successful except in conditions of widespread disorder , general strike , etc , when they might have a potential for destabilisation . ’
24 The actual capacity of the reservoirs is greater than this , being 76,360,000 cu. ft. and would appear to be adequate , but would not be sufficient to cushion a year of minimum rainfall with excess from the previous year .
25 School led ( be it school based or off-site ) INSET has much to commend it and would appear to be a very productive and effective means of meeting the development needs of both the school and the staff .
26 This explanation , it has to be admitted , is not wholly convincing , and would appear to be contradicted by the actions of investors and the fortunes of firms .
27 A group of small copper cylindrical powder magazines all sold at around £150-£280 and would appear to be bargains , since they were attractive in their own right and quite uncommon .
28 Muhtarram is also on a ‘ high ’ and would appear to be a big danger to Opera House although Dermot Weld reports that Market Booster who also goes for the Arc ‘ could not be in better form . ’
29 A DC9 or BAC 111 can not hold so many passengers and would tend to be loaded later .
30 ( 1 ) incomplete adaptation — since not all features of JC would be sufficiently salient to be " noticeable " for the purposes of adaptation , some of these would " slip through " and would fail to be adapted ( 2 ) inconsistency — due to possible learning or memory constraints , or perhaps for other reasons not well understood , some adaptations would be made haphazardly , so that the same item might appear sometimes in its LE variant , sometimes in its JC form ( 3 ) misadaptation — where the systems of JC and LE differ in such a way that adapting correctly requires recognising a contrast that exists in JC but not in LE , we would expect LE speakers to " get it wrong " some of the time , creating forms which are neither the target ( JC ) nor LE .
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