Example sentences of "and [subord] some [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The writer of the research report will want to draw together his results into a short statement of findings , which will probably be verbal rather than numerical at this stage , and where some sub-hypotheses have been substantiated and others negated the problem is not an easy one .
2 The process of renovation had been full of difficulties and although some success had been achieved , shortcomings and blunders had been committed .
3 The two have never seen eye to eye apparently and although some papers called him a hothead , Horton insists he was n't going to have a go at the ref , who was given a police escort back to the dressing rooms .
4 The members of the School Boards were more secular in their thinking than the builders of the earlier parish schools , and although some designers used the Gothic style , it was argued that ‘ … a continuation of the semi-ecclesiastical style … would appear to be inappropriate and lacking in anything to mark the great change which is coming over the education of the country ’ .
5 It is expected to be operational with an office in Brussels early next year and although some doubts remain about the scope of the redefined Scotland Europa , the Council has agreed , in principle , to support the initiative .
6 In some communities the extended family is the child 's experience , and although some examples involve primarily the ‘ nuclear ’ family , these will extend to include cousins , uncles , grandparents as appropriate .
7 The year began with cold clammy fogs , and although some industry had come to a standstill because of workers called to the colours , and factories bombed by the enemy , we still did not have the Clean Air Act , and there was still quite a lot of smoke from domestic fires , and from the slack coal burnt by factories making munitions .
8 Darwinian , genetical evolution takes place because genes are passed on from one generation to the next , and if some genes build better bodies than others , they are favoured by natural selection , become commoner , and evolutionary change will take place .
9 At this stage perhaps I can emphasize Jan this is such a flexible concept that er we are anxious not to lay down any rigid rules as to how it works because if some things do n't work very well , they can be altered and if some things do prove to work well like the event we had at Felixstowe we can build on that success so quite consciously we 're not laying down any rigid rules as to how things go and we will look to review how officers we , we erm advise you as members in the light of practical experience .
10 Nevertheless , they all work basically by trying to fit the input into a set of stored templates , and if some input does not fit anything the machine has been given , it simply replies ‘ I do not understand . ’
11 And since some senators had much longer names than others , jealousies soon arose .
12 And while some parents complain to the head teacher about their children becoming involved with the RUC , at least one headmistress was reported as being committed to the community relations programme , telling parents that she was responsible for their education and that they could move their child if they objected to the way this was done ( FN 10/2/87 , p. 7 ) .
13 The truth was that , while large sections of the media were insisting that it was all terribly different in Scotland , and while some politicians managed to convince themselves that the constitution was the issue above all others in the minds of Scotland 's electorate , most Scottish voters were declining to have their agenda set for them .
14 And while some politicians point to falling numbers of hospital beds as an illustration of NHS cash cuts , Mr Akehurst says this drop reflects advances in surgical technology which have dramatically reduced the amount of time people need to stay in hospital .
15 And whereas some initiatives have been primarily intended to integrate urban intervention and others to test the efficacy of deregulation , the mid-to-late 1980s saw a marked proliferation in inner-city programmes designed to boost development .
16 ’ Sybil groped for a word and after some hesitation came up with , ‘ tendencies … yes with her ah peculiar tendencies , it would be a sort of crime passionnel , would n't it ? ’
17 Modigliani took great trouble to find a suitable nurse for the baby and after some time found a compatriot , a woman from Calabria .
18 Whatever the reasons and after some soul searching they sold their home and entered college in 1921 , making the best arrangements they could for the children .
19 The extremists of Modernist scepticism , as in la nouvelle critique , might proclaim the Death of the Author and deny that intention was ever knowable : but authors were still interrogated , and after some fashion known .
20 They checked into the St Regis Hotel and when some people discovered who he was , they called at his hotel room and asked for autographs .
21 The Headmaster himself was an aloof and somewhat austere figure in public , betraying his emotions only twice — when he announced , on the afternoon of 11th November 1918 to the assembled school , the signing of the Armistice , and when some sixth-formers presented him with a gift to mark his marriage .
22 Mills and Boon , however , rigorously deny any charge of producing ‘ formula fiction ’ ; their instructions to potential authors , as they insist , and as some critics have noted with surprise , add up to little more than an encouragement to ‘ freshness and originality of approach ’ .
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