Example sentences of "and [v-ing] that they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The verdicts are implicitly defining what is appropriate behaviour for women and suggesting that they do not have much of a safeguard if they stray into areas regarded as ‘ male territory ’ whether it be a barracks room or a street late at night .
2 Validation of the suffering individual , treating him or her with kindness , professional respect and dignity , being open and honest , separating the awareness of the disease from the understanding of the suffering human being , following the distorted reasoning and disturbed actions and accepting that they appeared to the sufferer to be most appropriate at the time they were committed .
3 He was at times ordered to aid and supervise the royal huntsmen by leading them to those parts of the forest where the game was most plentiful , o supplying them with trained hounds , and seeing that they did not drive the deer out of the forest or continue their hunting longer than their instructions warranted .
4 which I asked if they would stay , but they altogether refused , and seeing that they refused I did not hinder them to go , for I will press no man .
5 I remember waking up and reaching down automatically and realising that they had shaved me which was my biggest shock .
6 Spittals made great play of tapping the microphones and checking that they worked before he introduced the superintendent .
7 Mention the word ‘ contented ’ to many people , and they will think of a lazy diner , relaxing after a satisfying meal and announcing that they feel ‘ contented ’ ; others will recall the advertisements for evaporated milk , which ‘ came from contented cows ’ .
8 Now that I had this label — ‘ partially sighted ’ — and it was clear that my disability would become more acute , the teachers and girls at school found some semblance of the tolerance and understanding that they had previously lacked , and I slowly began to edge my way up the academic ladder .
9 She remained serious about reading all her life , taking pains with her five children 's education and recommending that they read good books , " not some of the trash she had seen at Morrison & Gibb " .
10 Sometimes new uses for a well-established term are so strange and mystifying that they refuse to ‘ take ’ .
11 The Methodists were nonetheless going from strength to strength , and noting that they listened to ‘ hearty , racy , cutting and unctuous speeches which surely would never be forgotten . ’
12 I think also , the people of Wiltshire will be glad that it us here setting the budget , and therefore the precept and their council tax next year , and something that people will be looking at is their council tax bills , and noting that they go up by six point three percent , or are proposed to , with the provisional assets aim which is set by the government .
13 To suppose that we have to choose between mentalism and behaviourism is like saying that we have to choose between saying that the words ‘ trump ’ and ‘ revoke ’ designate feelings of triumph and embarrassment , and saying that they designate triumphant and embarrassed behaviour .
14 Now , when you find management — the representatives of enterprise and risk capital — standing up in public and saying that they have a responsibility to keep prices stable , or lower them , that individual prices ought to be reported on by a commission , and that profits ought to attract special tax penalties if they exceed a certain level , then it is a sign that either the millennium has arrived or else something is going very seriously wrong indeed .
15 When the girl 's mother and aunt came round to his house to take her back he became so violent and threatening that they decided they might be endangering the girl 's life by staying and arguing .
16 In fact , I would argue that not only does it do this , but that it goes much further , indicting all men in complicity for rape and insisting that they share the guilt .
17 It was , after all , a wonderful sensation creeping through her in response to his lips , and she found herself drifting into co-operation with him , holding his perfect body against her , feeling his heart beat and knowing that they fitted together in a most satisfactory way .
18 It 's nice when you pick up a guitar , knowing it to be a company 's idea of what a first electric should be like , and finding that they 've got it just about right .
19 There seems to be no doubt that an increasing number of people are using homoeopathic remedies to treat their animals and finding that they produce good result .
20 And discovering that they have been told lies all their lives .
21 The purpose of this policy is twofold , first as a means of achieving a more effective link between education and employment so that school leavers are old enough to take up productive work when they leave school , secondly as a means of offering a basic education to a greater number of the nation 's children and ensuring that they stay at school to complete it .
22 He 's got a flair ( not a formula ) for knowing what his customers want and ensuring that they get it .
23 I think there is a moral obligation on the E C , not necessarily the Americans because it is a European problem , to intervene at least to the extent of ensuring protection for ordinary civilians and ensuring that they get food and medical s provision .
24 That is a matter for future debate , certainly not for today when there is quite enough to be done in preparing colleges for self-governing status and ensuring that they have the support and expertise required to enable them to make a success of that .
25 The other causes lie in the readers alone : the habits of thought and feeling that they bring with them to the text , which distort or block their response to it .
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