Example sentences of "and [v-ing] and [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ apparatus of rule ’ consists of adjudication and administering and enforcing the law .
2 Real maids are quite different , moaning and wailing and kissing the local bobby between the dustbin and the outhouse .
3 We were ordinary seafaring men and founding and running a national union was , to say the least , a job for which we had had no training .
4 I kept staring and shivering and clutching the flowers .
5 In ‘ 87 , Nick had been in Athens as one of the team that lured Fawaz Younis to a boat out of territorial waters , and put the handcuffs on him , and read him the charges of Air Piracy and placing a destructive device aboard an aircraft and committing violence aboard an aircraft and aiding and abetting a hijacking .
6 The penalty paid for this is increased complexity when setting up the pointers and accessing and updating the database .
7 Our brief extended beyond looking at the prevalence of heroin use and included documenting the impact of the ‘ epidemic ’ on the local community , evaluating service provision and recommending and updating a strategy for dealing with the negative effects of widespread heroin use .
8 There were 24 regional duty solicitor committees , whose functions included those of deciding at which courts duty solicitors should be in attendance , and establishing and appointing the members of the local committees .
9 I hope through the Earthwatch programme to assist in preserving natural habitats , saving endangered species of this planet and promoting and preserving the cultures of different tribes .
10 I think there is a case for old medicines , but I think that doctors are sometimes too conservative and the public are sometimes too conservative getting advice from their mother-in-law or from granny erm and going and buying a granny 's remedy , whereas in fact there 's something modern available which would be much more effective and perhaps much safer .
11 The particular rules in question related to advertising and touting and became the focus for the antagonism which some established members of the profession displayed towards the new centres .
12 Running in some ritual or phase of a game — for they did n't spend every minute of each day crawling and peering and prodding the ground — he had caught his foot in a root and fallen headlong .
13 Within the University we shall be actively seeking new projects and refining and developing the current list .
14 Juan Gris has often been cited as the most orthodox or ‘ pure ’ Cubist ; taking over from where the eager Picasso left off , and refining and enriching the latter 's artistic legacy .
15 This serves to reinforce group standards and norms , confers a feeling of identity , solidarity and belonging and permits the achievement of psychological and physical protection .
16 People were passing through and staying and using the facilities .
17 People were passing through and staying and using the facilities .
18 N C V O will carry on with this vital role , and enriching and enlarging the dynamics of the voluntary sector .
19 Ted and Jim now alternated their time between dismantling the remaining assembly and splitting and cleaning the sub-assemblies already removed from the engine .
20 Methods of incorporating rational expectations assumptions into economic models and estimating and testing the models are discussed in Wallis ( 1980 ) , Revankar ( 1980 ) , Hoffman and Schmidt ( 1981 ) , part II of Pesaran ( 1987 ) and in Lucas and Sargent ( 1981 ) .
21 And having and having a procedure and a policy .
22 A co-therapist can make the experience of running the group more enjoyable by taking some of the responsibility off the therapist 's shoulders , and reinforcing and consolidating the information .
23 These last months , the women have taken it over , giving birth in the annexe and taking and bricking the babe up as soon as it breathed , and before it got found and eaten .
24 And knowing and understanding the
25 Over in President Clinton-land , CARTER USM are gigging and plugging and finding a new lease of life winning the hearts of America 's indie kids .
26 The following were listed as the key points in economic construction during the coming decade and the eighth five-year plan period : strengthening agriculture ; strengthening the basic industries and infrastructure and reorganizing and transforming the processing industry ; and strengthening educational , scientific and technological undertakings .
27 ‘ One minute , ’ said Elinor , who seemed to have cheered up considerably , ‘ there he was laughing and joking and having a good time .
28 Angela helps me with this task in between proofreading first drafts , checking names and collating and typing the Amicus News , Intimations and Exam Successes sections .
29 He 'd come in here ranting and raving and making an exhibition of himself , saying that his poor little girl was injured , scarred for life and who was to blame . ’
30 Edward recalls his earliest years at Wakehurst Road : I have only one clear early glimpse of my father — darting out of the house in his slippers and chasing and catching a big boy who had bullied me .
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