Example sentences of "and [v-ing] that he had " in BNC.

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1 He received a letter the next day apologizing and accepting that he had not been in possession of a stolen car .
2 Then Richard returned to Poitiers and from there , on 2 February , he sent envoys to his father reporting his success and announcing that he had pacified all parts of Aquitaine .
3 Michael , indicating the stairs and implying that he had to go straight on , then directed him to the left , upon which he said quietly , if a trifle reproachfully : ‘ You said straight on ’ .
4 However as late as 1668 another Roman , Mario Savioni ( c. 1608–1685 ) brought out a book of five-part Madrigali morali e spirituali , explaining that they were to be sung each at the end of one of his previously published Concerti morali and adding that he had ‘ taken care to unite together the aria and the madrigal so as to conform with the character of the concertos ’ .
5 Paul wrote to Dr Heatherton as he had intended , thanking him for his trouble and saying that he had called in the hope of meeting him .
6 The Mukhabarat demanded he sign an affidavit accusing his brother of all sorts of other crimes and saying that he had always been a traitor at heart .
7 Ronald Duncan , whom I came to know about this time ( our first meeting took place when I made a bicycle tour of Cornwall in the summer of 1947 ) , spoke of having received a telegram from Eliot cancelling an engagement and saying that he had to ‘ bury a woman ’ .
8 But Travis was shaking his head , and insisting that he had not been as enthusiastic as he might have been on Saturday .
9 UP leaders immediately demanded the resignation of the Interior Minister Carlos Lemos Simmons , accusing him of ultimate responsibility for the crime and claiming that he had encouraged right-wing death squads to murder UP leaders .
10 He kept leaping into the darkroom , created for the Photographic Society on the first floor , and claiming that he had heard the sound of munching .
11 He told me how , when he had first moved there , the local MP had written to him congratulating him on his climbing and mentioning that he had had a one-legged uncle who climbed .
12 He saw himself , ten years on , a querulous old man complaining in self-pity : What company have my children ever been to me ? — and forgetting that he had sent them so lightly away from him , Blanche across the sea to Heidelberg , to a husband she had never seen ; Philippa , possibly , to remote Denmark ; Thomas , only this Spring , to be titular governor and keep his court in Ireland , and try to make good the wrack and ruin of castles and garrisons there .
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