Example sentences of "and [vb base] it [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 So you could see the pattern yourself and make it easier and a lot of the time at school when the teacher 's telling you , Why do n't you do it this way ? they 're not trying to make it harder for you .
2 And erm the only other outstanding sponsor from last year was Northern Rock and that has been a bit of a qu a problem because er it 's , we have n't had a closing gala event which might attract them but just recently erm Paul who as you know performed last year with his band so er well er is , had rang me and said that they are doing something in Venice and they could in fact take the boat to Hull rather than to Dover and bring it here and I 'm , so I 'm working on the assumption that we might have that .
3 Once you start pulling pallets to pieces and then you 've got to replace the pack what you 've t taken off and rewrap it again and
4 you simply read the lists down and across yourself , without first hearing the words , and the LH should only stop you and say it right if you did n't
5 There are formal operational thinkers — those who immediately grasp the abstract form of the problem and solve it quickly and easily .
6 Challenge it and challenge it again until it 's at a bare minimum .
7 Er and er you 'd say , well try and get on old sheet and wash it thoroughly and iron them the p cut it up and iron them with a hot iron .
8 It 's when we 're going to take it in the kitchen and put it away when we 've finished .
9 ‘ Go and put it somewhere where the rats ca n't get it , ’ said Grimma .
10 The people must have come and put it there while he was out .
11 and put it so that it goes over your feet
12 Before the strip cools , take the candle and tip it so that a drop of wax falls on to the strip and spreads out around the hole .
13 As a mature student I found it difficult at first to work on my own or in groups but now that the course is settling down , I feel that I will be able to tackle most tasks in business because we have had to learn to look for information and assimilate it so that we make it work for us .
14 Sometimes i they take the the hole the out and renew it then when it the colouring i that 's when your colouring A good colourer is really
15 He will fix his eyes on some spot that he thinks he knows and watch it intently as the day fades , hoping to be able to plot any light that may appear later on .
16 Normally , if a horse acts aggressively towards us we let it know quite clearly that such behaviour is unacceptable , and punish it appropriately and immediately , so that there is no doubt in the horse 's mind what the punishment is for .
17 ‘ Eight acres is all the council needs — we 'd build the club and manage it both as pay and play and as a private club .
18 Very obviously when this town was designed and laid out and nobody foresaw the growth of the private motor car , er today private motor car is accepted , but in a town which was built perhaps the idea that one in twenty would own a motor car and we 're now faced with the probably one in three have a motor car , we 're now faced with a problem which can only detract from life in the town , also the fact that huge lorries are passing through what were envisaged as quiet residential neighbourhoods with a consequent breaking of curbs and of paving stones where the lorries are compelled to mount the pavings in order to get round parked cars and things of that nature it detracts from the life in Harlow I do , I think a considerable extent , erm , the other factor is that there 's become a lack of pride in the town by the people who live in it , this is seen from the amount of rubbish , and refuse that is dropped from the minor vandalism that goes on the graffiti , er particularly in underpasses where people are walking to the town centre and that , those are the things where the town has lost its way , when we first came here you never saw bits of paper and packages from sweets and cigarettes and things , perhaps maybe because the package industry has developed over the years and that er whereas whenever we had responsibility for taking a small child out , if it had sweets it was encouraged to put the wrappings in its pocket until it got home , now of course it 's encouraged to drop it just where it wants to and er this not only applies to children , some of the worst culprits are the adults who leave the , leave the public houses with a can of beer to drink on the way home and drop it just when they 've finished the last drop of beer or the fish and chip paper 's just dropped .
19 So the best thing is to put the piece of paper in in a wadge and then come out on the outside and pack it vertically and put them next to each other like that .
20 ‘ As soon as you wake up pop a piece of nicotine chewing gum into your mouth and chew it slowly whilst you are getting dressed and shaving .
21 Well nip back and get it then if that 's what you want .
22 Go and get it now cos he 'll enjoy it .
23 Decide where you want the storage directory to be , and name it so that you can understand what it is used for ; for instance , you may create it as follows :
24 So front of your sheet you will have things like sine is A over B or things like that just write on the front of your sheet and convert it so that you 've got sine is equal to what do you know what sine is ?
25 Then soften the charcoal and copper shadows using a cotton bud ; start where the colour is deepest , and brush and roll it backwards and forwards onto the lighter areas .
26 The Whigs mangle the ‘ Paint It Black ’ riff and insert it vigorously and repeatedly into the dry , dusty shell of a sad song about masturbation as a lifestyle priority rather than an optional extra .
27 One positive approach to the acceptance of other special equipment is to explain its use to fully sighted pupils , let them see it and use it so that it is regarded as something of interest to everyone .
28 It is sensible to keep the camcorder well protected in its carrying case when it is not being used and keep it there when conditions are hostile .
29 I pictured doing an impossible thing — I thought that if I got too close to coming , I could somehow angle my leg and contort it so that I caught hold of my cock in my bent knee and squeezed it like a nut in a nutcracker until it stopped wanting to come . ’
30 With the stake firmed in the hole , hold the tree up with a simple string loop , and plant it just as you would for a bush — except that , without the bud to go by , you will have to look carefully for the soil ‘ tide mark ’ where it was growing in the nursery and finish off to that height , with the standard stem about 1½–2 inches ( 4–5cm ) from the stake .
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