Example sentences of "and [vb base] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It does mean that law is not a fixed , precise and immutable set of rules ; and that not only its content but also its form are subject to interpretation , adaptation and change as part of and in response to social change .
2 The company was returned to private ownership in mid-1987 in what was seen as a retrenchment and change in direction of its development .
3 In practice the procedures adopted by local authorities differ widely , and change in response to political control and financial stress .
4 This multiplicity of objectives , and the way in which they are defined through the political process and change in response to changing political priorities , distinguishes state enterprises from private firms .
5 The question as to whether time could conceivably exist if there were no ‘ soul , ( or mind ) to apprehend it had been raised , but not answered , by Aristotle , whose definition of time as the ‘ numbering ’ of motion and change in relation to before and after appeared to presuppose the existence of a ‘ soul ’ that contemplates and measures it .
6 We may now assess the significance of his role by examining the themes of continuity and change in relation to his twin principles of Parliamentary sovereignty and the rule of law .
7 In the forest here , as elsewhere , the wild cocoa trees reach their full natural height of 20 m or so ( under plantation conditions cocoa trees rarely exceed 10 m ) and develop as clusters of a dozen or more leaning trunks .
8 In H. gallinarum all three parasitic moults appear to occur in the caecal lumen , but in H. isolonche infection the hatched larvae enter the caecal mucosa , and develop to maturity in nodules .
9 It also offers powder skiing weeks off-piste with a local guide in Klosters and Grindelwald for £199 to £295 on top of the holiday cost .
10 Every day the Prince and Princess went off on official business , to look at churches , visit hospitals and meet people , and the minute they were back on board the royal yacht , Charles would quickly change into some comfortable clothes and sit on deck with his sketchbook and teacher , until the very last minute before the bell for dinner .
11 It is a quaint custom in which our villagers ‘ beat the bounds , ’ ride around on trailers pulled by tractors and sit on bales of straw .
12 I am nine and-a-half years old and sit in front of the television in England with my brother , watching characters like Meg and Sandy argue in the Cross roads motel , while fat Benny , the tele West Country moron in woolly hat , eats lots of pies .
13 To come home from work and sit in front of the TV all evening does not make us feel better .
14 ‘ The only thing the Met-does best is beat up blacks and sit in front of bloody computers planning how to crush the coming riots of Thatcher 's underclass . ’
15 Did he behave like a guest or did he take his jacket off and sit in front of the fire like one of the family ? ’
16 Yeah , well they well they go up the Legion and have a couple of pints , go to the bookie and put some horses on , go home and sit in front of the telly watching horses like .
17 The bends lie at the centres of the met boxes , and correspond to compression of the major groove to a width of 9.4 around the bound repressor β -ribbons , and opening of the opposite minor groove to 8.3 .
18 Other academic studies have agreed that Westminster has increased its capacity for scrutiny and influence on policy over recent years , not decreased it .
19 Counter-insurgency and its attendant covert and intelligence aspects have had an inordinate degree of latitude and influence on policy in Ulster partly because the Westminster cabinet and parliament are incredibly ignorant of the region and have been well content if the English politicians and Whitehall civil servants who administer it from the Northern Ireland Office at Stormont Castle succeeded in preventing its problems from impinging on the affairs of the mainland .
20 He lost both office and influence at court as a result of factional enmity , but Louis the Pious 's disfavour ensured that the losses were permanent .
21 But the corrupt version has been replaced by a new , authorised kind of graft : jobs and influence in exchange for political support .
22 This is not just a matter of looking at the distribution of power and influence in relation to official decision-making bodies , or even of power over the minds and feelings of the people themselves , although in both cases that distribution is manifestly and grotesquely uneven .
23 Since the mid-nineteenth century there had emerged in Catalonia a vigorous nationalist movement , most of whose protagonists nevertheless sought not separation from Spain but regional autonomy , the defence of Catalonia 's distinctiveness and the enhancement of her position and influence within Spain as a whole .
24 The way we behave and communicate with others at work , home , or in public , can be an important factor in the development of stress .
25 Now all schools try and communicate with parents about these things , but parents do n't always perceive what the schools are doing erm in , in the way that the schools would like .
26 ( NEB ) , not ‘ go and unite in acts of worship to their gods ’ .
27 The other four er erm loser er like as not , will be on display and remain on display in the er in in in the atrium area which is
28 ‘ But both Graham and I knew it was impractical for me to continue in the job and remain as manager of Exeter . ’
29 Suggested model memoranda and articles for both limited and unlimited companies are included in this pack and certain provisions in those models ( or provisions to like effect ) are identified in an introductory notes as being necessary if the incorporated practice is to be able to comply with and remain in compliance with the Rules .
30 Certain provisions ( or provisions to like effect ) in the Articles are necessary for an incorporated practice to be able to comply with and remain in compliance with the Rules .
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